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A sad day for hunters and wildlife

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
While some of you so called hunters and fishermen are gloating about 4 more years of Dubya, maybe you should look at it from a true outdoorsman's point of view. Your hunting and fishing opportunities are going to suffer and wildlife will continue to lose habitat at an unprecedented rate. No real hunter or fisherman could ever be happy about that. Of course, if you're one of those lazy slobs who puts your fatass on an ATV and calls that hunting you won't understand that.


At a time of soaring oil prices, Bush is expected to continue promoting new energy production and press Congress for laws that encourage development of traditional fossil energy sources — oil, coal and natural gas.

He also is likely to renew his call for Congress to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Environmentalists strongly oppose drilling there.

Look for a continued effort to make it easier to develop oil and gas on federal land. He will push Congress to require reliability standards for power lines and provide incentives for new power line construction. But he opposes enacting federal requirements for utilities to use renewable fuels, arguing that should be up to the states.

His hands-off policy on energy prices is expected to continue. And he is likely to continue pumping oil into the government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve and reject calls to use the government oil except to counter a major supply disruption.


Bush's top environmental priority is to rewrite air pollution laws and regulations. His agenda could be overshadowed by an international climate treaty taking effect without U.S. participation.

He hopes finally to persuade Congress to pass his stalled "Clear Skies" plan for curtailing power plant pollution but not emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas linked to global warming.
Tough court fights loom on his easing of rules that require older industrial plants and refineries to add pollution controls if they expand. Under court order, the EPA is due to introduce by March the first national cap on mercury emissions.

Bush plans to cut spending on low-interest loans for local clean water projects and to seek more federal support for development of a hydrogen-fueled car.

He also wants to overturn a Clinton-era ban on 58 million acres of roadless areas and allow logging and road-building in them unless governors petition the federal government to preserve them. He would keep Yellowstone National Park open to snowmobiling, despite a challenge in federal court.........."

How could any real hunter or fisherman be gloating about that? :rolleyes:


[ 11-11-2004, 21:38: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
LMAO I knew this was going to happen.
but I am not sad I am happy..

4 more years 4 more years

Ithaca ,
So what you're saying is in 4 years this planet will be a barren wasteland resembling Mars and completely void of all life ?

Scarey !

I say we party like Kennedy's and go out with a bang !
Ithaca think of it this way,
you have 4 more years to whine and complain about bush ;)

Interesting comments. I don't suppose any of you will ever be doing anything to try to save wildlife habitat from Dubya's schemes. Do you actually think wildlife is better off now than it was 4 years ago? Get your heads outta your ass and take a look at what's happening to habitat under the Dubya/Halliburton administration! Now's the time you should be getting off your asses and doing something to defend wildlife and the future of hunting and fishing.
Its doing great here, the wildlife, the habitat.

Look at this. It says our personal quota is less than 11 dAubs per year and that 22 gallons of gas burned per person is 1 dAub.

The world will end quick, at that rate.


The true environmentalist would be campaigning to ban cars, limit driving, right?

Isn't that what this is saying there at eco-action?
In most areas of this OUR State that I frequent, I have seen nothing but improvement to range and forest health. Big game and birds are doing from fine to great. Exactly where do you witness this reckless destruction of our wildlands and don't tell me about "x" spring on such and such allotment because I'll counter with those with knee high cover where I've been. Your doom and gloom vision needs some visine.

I really want to respond to this but dont have time right now.

In a nutshell do you really think the UN could do better?

do you own a car/truck/ house or boat?

do you drive more than just to work ? ie hunting friend shouse etc.

Maybe the thatch on his house is leaking with all this rain ?!?!? ;)

Is drilling for Oil really bad ? How about alittle logging ? Were is Bcat when ya need him :D
Wow I just looked out the door of the shop and saw a train load of heavy equipment headed up north. there were logging trucks, mining equipment, cranes, oil drilling rigs etc. The train had to be a mile long.

A sign on it said Idaho or bust, thanks George Bush.

Ithaca, why do you even try to debate with em?

Sorta pointless since they seem to not understand what point you are trying to make.

All I know is that I will have a different career within 4 years or I will be working in China.
Wally, How's the pheasant hunting compare to 15 years ago? How many bighorn sheep permits are available now? How about Mtn. Goat permits? How's the sage grouse situation? Do you think the chukar hunting is better now than in 1978?

How about the steelhead and salmom runs compared to 1960?

Maybe you think things are great, but I used to be able to drive less than ten miles and have my limit of pheasants in an hour.

Tried badger hunting, coyote hunting or rockchuck hunting within 15 miles of home the last few years? Do you think we get as many big mulies outta the Owyhees as we did twenty years ago?

Nut, I know it's hopeless, but once in a while people wake up and look around.
Ithica, How about the deer hunting? How about Elk? We got more of those now than we had 50 years ago? How about the turkey hunting? How many turkeys were hunted in 1956 or 1960?

How many deer tags were sold in Kansas in 1960? I know people who grew up there in the thirties and forties and never saw a deer on thier farm.

Maybe you think things are great, but I used to be able to drive less than ten miles and have my limit of pheasants in an hour.
Ithaca its called progress.
I used to be able to drive 10 mins from the house hunt pigs. quail deer etc. I used to be able to walk across the street and hunt dove.
I live in the same house. as I did in 1982.
now there are houses all over.
beofre you start blaming bush on this you should blame the city in which you live in for giving tax incentives to big bussiness which draw in people which in turn make more houses and shopping malls.

Sorry but your way off on this.
Also back in the 60s you had more ranches these ranches also let most hunters hunt on thier land, now due to big population booms and people leaving trash all over and the closing of many ranches the gates are locked.

As far as the steelhead did they have the same dams back in the 60s?

it all has to do with the state growing not bush

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