PEAX Equipment

A Newbie in Montana


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2015
Bozeman, MT
Hey friends!

My name's Nicole and I live in Bozeman, Montana--I work in hunting entertainment in the social media/marketing realm and I'm here to learn about DIY hunting and talk turkey (and other stuff) with all you knowledgable informative folks.

I'm hunting for the first time this year, and my personal goal is to fill my freezer. Looking towards hunting muleys, elk, and fowl, all DIY. Perhaps one day I'll branch beyond but at this point ungulates and birds are what mostly pique my interest.

I come from a family that's hunted a little but it's definitely not a part of our tradition, so surrounding myself with seasoned experts/mentors is definitely another big part of my process. Luckily, I work with some of the best in the industry ;) but of course, always open to new people with new ideas.

Tidbits: I'm a freelance writer, photographer, avid hiker/backpacker. My favorite area of the planet is Wyoming's Wind Rivers. I hope to one day be able to do this hunting thing with horses (have some packing experience) and the thing I'm most excited about is the actual processing--breaking down the animal, learning anatomy, then putting all that to good use in my well-loved kitchen.

Happy hunting, all! If anyone's ever in Bozeman, always down to grab a beer and talk about the out of doors!

A warm welcome to the jungle known as Hunt Talk.

Circus would be a better term, with the best of intentions though. A great cast of characters, some standard internet forum fare or course, but don't let that distract you from so much quality information that's here. Great people, great hunters, and endless topics to discuss and dead horses to beat.

..... and dead horses to beat.


Hey now, the quality of a forum can be measured by the willingness of its members to beat dead horses. You never know when that horse might get a second wind, so best to beat him every now and then, even if he looks dead.
Actually Hunttalk sometimes revives a dead horse to Preakness competition level. Stay alert and engaged and you will learn more than you could ever dream to understand. But it's all good stuff.
Hey now, the quality of a forum can be measured by the willingness of its members to beat dead horses. You never know when that horse might get a second wind, so best to beat him every now and then, even if he looks dead.

Um guys... I think she mentioned she is a horse lover. Might not want to scare her away with all this talk of beating horses. :)

Welcome to the forum. :)
Caribou Gear

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