Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

A little more AZ info


You want to figure out how hot a goat gets running full out or chasing does all day. Take a simple test - run your butt 300 yards full out and then see how hot you get. Or try running wind-sprints for a couple hours like a buck chasing does. Make sure you are wearing a coat when you do it too. May not be scientific but gets the point across.

And yes how we took care of them had something to do with the taste. We would usually clean them right away and hang them in the barn for a day or two before skinning. After living in Az I have learned that was a mistake, should have got the hide off sooner. Here I dress my game then skin it as soon as I get back to camp, then hang a couple frozen gal jugs in the carcass, cover with a game bag, then put a tarp around that and put up another tarp to shade the whole thing. That's for elk, for deer I qtr them and put them in a cooler with frozen 12 oz water bottles.
No one is saying to not skin an animal to get them cooled......that's common knowledge to better tasting meat, as the meat begins to decompose as soon as the animal dies. Cooling meat also disrupts bacteria growth. However, suggesting an animal tastes worse because it was running (adenaline) prior to being shot is simply un-true. With that theory, EVERY bow shot animal would taste bad, right?
Every bow shot animal and a majority of rifle shot animals.

The meat doesnt taste any different whether an animal was running or not, its a myth and a lie.

Almost as big a lie as deer/elk/antelope that are shot in the rut taste bad...what a crock.
In my experience, I haven't noticed any difference between meat from animals in the rut and animals not in the rut. I've eaten plenty of meat from both mule deer and elk killed in the peak of the rut, and it's all been great. I've also had meat from animals that were shot and then not recovered for a couple of hours, and they were good also. I do have to say that the only meat from a big game animal that I really did not care for was from an antelope I shot a couple years ago. It was feeding, unaware of my presence over 300 yards away when I shot it through both lungs with a 150 grain Ballistic Tip out of my 270. It dropped immediately and was dead within about 10 seconds. I had it gutted, skinned, quartered, and on ice in a cooler within a couple of hours. I have no idea why the meat tasted bad but it did. I ended up having it all made into pepperoni.
Another little known fact about Buzz,
When he was younger somebody told him that toothpaste makes you fart so he stopped brushing his teeth.

Nothing has tasted bad to him since.

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