A little humour for your day

The sign is not as stupid as it first appears. I'm fairly certain it's at a National Park. The parking lots fill up and idiots/assholes just go ahead and park in the driveways blocking cars from leaving. Seen it a hundred times! Especially idiot assholes pulling camper trailers. Will the signage stop them? Some yes. Those who persist will be cited/towed and have no recourse to pleading ignorance. It's been my experience that NPS administration are signage addicts. And maybe for good reason. It's become too easy to sue the government for any mishap in the park.

Having said that, whoever designed this sign was also an idiot. Not surprising. My last position at Voyageures Park in Minnesota I was brought in to write signage and brochures re invasive species prevention/awareness. My supervisor insisted on editing my work. She had the reading/writing/spelling skills of a seventh grader. I have a doctorate. It didn't go well. She spent all her time in the field and only returned to the office one day a week. So she'd rewrite everything I'd submit then disappear for a week. I'd have to correct her mess and resubmit so the circus started all over. Then she complained because nothing was going to publisher. Threatening to fire me, blah, blah. I went to the supt and appraised him. Showed him what was happening. Get this gal off my back. "Well, I know she's not the sharpest crayon in the box but she was a dedicated interp ranger for many years. You'll just have to find a way to work with her." Really? Stupidity doesn't matter when filling supervisory positions? I gave up, packed up, and went home to my wife. And gave up on the NPS.
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The sign is not as stupid as it first appears. I'm fairly certain it's at a National Park. The parking lots fill up and idiots/assholes just go ahead and park in the driveways blocking cars from leaving. Seen it a hundred times! Especially idiot assholes pulling camper trailers. Will the signage stop them? Some yes. Those who persist will be cited/towed and have no recourse to pleading ignorance. It's been my experience that NPS administration are signage addicts. And maybe for good reason. It's become too easy to sue the government for any mishap in the park.
Or a boat ramp ? You should where the idiots parks down here .

And a pic
