a couple weeks ago


Active member
Sep 21, 2010
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
I posted about possibly building a .325 wsm a couple weeks ago and was looking for comments on the caliber well now i've settled on the .325 WSM and this is what I'm planning on doing. I'm getting married in September and just bought a house so this will probably be a fairly slow project I'm shooting for next summer though ;).

The doner rifle will be a stainless model 700 BDL in .300 saum
I'm thinking about buying a 22i" or 24" krieger barrel and rechambering to .325 WSM
add a timey trigger or jewell trigger
I'm not sure on the stock yet though I like the look of Lone wolf stocks but haven't talked to them about a price. I don't think I'll go for their lightest stock its 15oz I think it might feel like a toy. So i might bounce up to the next one maybe saving some money. H.S precision makes a lightweight stock I forget how much it weighs and about $200 to $300 cheaper. Mcmillen makes a stock that comes to 22 ounces i think but it only comes in solid painted colors which I didn't care for.
The bolt is jeweled which I would like to remove and flute instead.

I'm hoping for a rig that comes in around 8lbs or 8.5 lbs
If anyone has any suggestions or experiences with the some of the stocks I mentioned please let me know.
Thanks again
I have a couple MacMIllan Edge stocks that were solid-color but with the black webbing painted on. (Or was it the fact that they were painted that you don't like as opposed to the solid color?) So far as I know, H-S Precision only come in solid colors, too, but the color is the material itself and not painted on. I have an older H-S stock with the aluminum bedding block, but it isn't a lightweight stock.
Thanks Buzz H I had been to stockys before but never noticed the info at the bottom of the page good stuff. As for the painted on stocks that really doesn't bother me to bad I just thought it said something that they only come in solid colors either way I was talking to someone else and he said about painting it myself which doesn't sound like a bad Idea I have some experience painting I was also thinking one of the company's will do a rubber coating over it (like brownings duratouch finish) So I'm thinking I could send it to them after I paint it and that would keep paint from chipping even longer. I think it was bell and carlson I forget I emailed them yesterday for a price and to see what kinda weight it adds. Do you think the edge stocks feel good in hand? Did they drop in pretty well?
Thanks again

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