A Booner for me....

congrats again Ernie, nice writeup also. That is a gorgeous elk rack!

ps you suck for getting him on a general tag.
Must have missed that the first time.
How about Bugle? That story would fit well in there.

I hope you've at least got the European hanging up in the meantime!

I thought id comments on this. I initially planned to submit my own elk story and pics to Bugle. But after a couple conversations with one of the editors (plus being a member and reading the mag) it is evident to me that Bugle is not interested in articles about big bulls being killed. They seem much more inclined to publish stories where the hunter goes out unsuccessfulyl. I like RMEF and all they do and i will always be a member. But i dont think Bugle is very interested in trophy hunting stories.
Well...I have a SHIT LOAD of stories about being unsuccessful... Like ALL of my hundreds of days of archery hunting for elk.... Maybe I can fill bugle up for the next decade with those....
By the way, my #1 hunting goal right now IS to actually kill an elk with a bow. So if you see me with a 3 legged spotted calf next year with my bow and a big grin.... well...dont be surprised....

(I forgot, my daughter starts hunting this year, so getting her some critters will actually be my #1 goal)
Well...I have a SHIT LOAD of stories about being unsuccessful... Like ALL of my hundreds of days of archery hunting for elk.... Maybe I can fill bugle up for the next decade with those....

That's funny.
With the background you provided for that story, I could picture reading that in Bugle. I agree with Rocky on the trophy kill part of it though.

Just thought it was too well written not to show up somewhere.
Three dreamy Montana Booner bull stories posted this year on HT. Zero involvement or mention of strippers drowning in beer. Fail.:D

Looks like a day to remember forever.
I thought id comments on this. I initially planned to submit my own elk story and pics to Bugle. But after a couple conversations with one of the editors (plus being a member and reading the mag) it is evident to me that Bugle is not interested in articles about big bulls being killed. They seem much more inclined to publish stories where the hunter goes out unsuccessfulyl. I like RMEF and all they do and i will always be a member. But i dont think Bugle is very interested in trophy hunting stories.

Are they interested in stories about occasionally harvested smallish raghorns by a guy with a crazy attraction to CH?

Great story, great bull!
Just an awesome bull, congrats again and thanks for the story.
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