
A Big Win for Sportsman!

What is the weight limit on that thing?

Did the landowner screw up by tearing down the old burnt bridge?

Did the landowner screw up by first placing his own bridge in the easement spot?

How long would local government take to replace the peoples bridge?

And the hypothetical question:
If the landowner put a bridge on a checkerboard(corner crossing) private/public land...whose bridge would it be? :D
You're not my buddy either seeing as you're continuing to be a big jackass towards me and the rest of us in this thread. Nowhere in the article you gave us was there anything like you stated and then gave us hell because we disagreed when were just going on the article you posted. If you had more information to add to the article proving your points like the pictures and other information you appear to have now posted, all you needed to do was post them initially. Now you're continuing to be a horses azz about the photos when we said they weren't visible. Nobody said we could do any better posting them, but now in your last post it appears that you were using information other than in that article along with your pictures that we didn't have available to us. Can you comprehend that to see why this whole thing got going? If you can't, then I give up and will stay with my previous comments.
You're not my buddy either seeing as you're continuing to be a big jackass towards me and the rest of us in this thread. Nowhere in the article you gave us was there anything like you stated and then gave us hell because we disagreed when were just going on the article you posted. If you had more information to add to the article proving your points like the pictures and other information you appear to have now posted, all you needed to do was post them initially. Now you're continuing to be a horses azz about the photos when we said they weren't visible. Nobody said we could do any better posting them, but now in your last post it appears that you were using information other than in that article along with your pictures that we didn't have available to us. Can you comprehend that to see why this whole thing got going? If you can't, then I give up and will stay with my previous comments.

See post #8

Now you're continuing to be a horses azz about the photos when we said they weren't visible. Nobody said we could do any better posting them,
Shoots-straight---Your picture posting is about as poor as your reading comprehension! There are no pictures in either of your posts and the article says the bridge burned while litigation was in progress. It did say there was a gate put up to block the bridge, but nothing in the article says he took the bridge out. He did put a railcar in and then took it out and put it back on his property for his own use. He got screwed if he is told to rebuild a bridge that he didn't destroy, but the article also doesn't say there was any order for him to do so. If a fire that was of natural origin took the bridge out, the county should replace it at taxpayer expense even though the guy was originally trying to keep people from using the one that burned. Before you say anything else I would suggest you go back and reread that article real slow to get your facts correct. PS: I'm not going to kiss yours or anybody else's ass either!!!
And I'm the asshole?
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Let's remember that this is the Montana Supreme Court. Anyone that thinks this court is going to blatantly trample private property rights and shaft a landowner as some of you are suggesting need to check back in to reality here.

That was my point long ago. Wondering why others made such a stink?
See post #8

And I'm the asshole?

You post #8 was what you were stating at the start of the thread with nothing to back them up with because nothing to that effect was in the article you provided. Why don't you just admit that we're correct given the information that was in the article and move on! PS: Yea, I was also being a smartazz back at ya and I apologize for coming down to your level! :W:
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Sorry you felt you had to call me a wipe.:W:

Come on man, a “have” vs. “have nots” speech about public land access on a website based on public land hunting and recreation access screams for disagreement.

I’ve written before, NOTHING gives me a stroke more than public land in the western U.S. that the tax payers pay to manage that is not accessible to the public and gives the local land owners an EXTRA edge or bump. That is what sounds like is happening here 100%. Please prove me wrong. This guy is working the system, fact.

P.S. When I was 5 years old I was still a “Have” then my family sold me down the river and sold the ranch. “Have “ to “have not” in a blink of an eye! Guess you were luckier than I.

Holy Moly, I never let the interhnet drag me down like this, cripes I'm out……………..
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You post #8 was what you were stating at the start of the thread with nothing to back them up with because nothing to that effect was in the article you provided. Why don't you just admit that we're correct given the information that was in the article and move on! PS: Yea, I was also being a smartazz back at ya and I apologize for coming down to your level! :W:
When your heads up you azz, down is up. Congratulations!
It's been quite a few years since I was on that road. I was out there a few weeks back while slaying coyotes and got to that point and could not cross. I was pi$$ed of to say the least (I didn't know this was all going on). The fact that the lock didn't get blown off still surprises me. I hate to backtrack, but did so, hotter than hell the entire way back to Augusta! Karma...karma. Each will get what they have coming to them sooner or later.
Specially made for Yuppies!


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*In hushed tone; Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of CSPAN Montana.

...sponsored by ex lax and vagisil.
s-s---You obviously won't admit that you didn't give us all the information we needed by just posting that article and then you got pissed when we called you on it. ONE LAST TIME---How were we to know everything you had knowledge of beyond the article itself that you posted? Now that you have given us the whole story, including all those pictures, I agree that the guy appears to be a real DB and to have violated more than a couple statutes. It would have been nice if we had been given all that information up front in your OP so we wouldn't have come down on you like we did because of the minimal information contained in that article compared to all the facts that finally came out after we got going. Peace Bro and I hope the rally on Monday floods the Capitol with orange. I wish I could be there to help, but 1500 miles each way from here is not in the cards. Good luck to ya'll!!!
I'm listening to my two youngest boys right now. One minute they are playing nice together and the next they are screaming at each other and one ends up crying.

This kind of reminds me of whats going on in my house right now :confused:
s-s---You obviously won't admit that you didn't give us all the information we needed by just posting that article and then you got pissed when we called you on it. ONE LAST TIME---How were we to know everything you had knowledge of beyond the article itself that you posted? Now that you have given us the whole story, including all those pictures, I agree that the guy appears to be a real DB and to have violated more than a couple statutes. It would have been nice if we had been given all that information up front in your OP so we wouldn't have come down on you like we did because of the minimal information contained in that article compared to all the facts that finally came out after we got going. Peace Bro and I hope the rally on Monday floods the Capitol with orange. I wish I could be there to help, but 1500 miles each way from here is not in the cards. Good luck to ya'll!!!

I didn't have the information. I assumed, (poorly) that people would at least noticed that this decision was handed down by the Montana Supreme Court. That should be the first indicator that this thing wasn't "Fixed" against a individual with an agenda.

I knew people that were involved with the case, and how hard they have fought to to get that road open (11 years) so I sent them a e-mail to get some info to enlighten the skeptics. Over!
Assuming always gets us in trouble a good share of the time and just because a higher court made that ruling really doesn't mean they're correct! Too bad we didn't have the full "scoop" initially and we could have saved 3 pages full of posts bantering back and forth. Have a good weekend and again good luck wishes for the rally on Monday!
So if he would have left the old burned bridge alone, and then put up a new personal bridge (with gates) up right beside the old burned bridge, he would have been just fine?
I thought SS was giving us a lesson in gathering all of the facts before we draw a conclusion. I admit the article on the surface seemed a harsh on the landowner at first, but then I figured there was also a Paul Harvey "rest of the story" soon to follow.

PLWA is a much needed organization and long over due. Its encouraging to see the sportsman making a change.

Thanks for the info SS.

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