8x42 or 8x32 binos


Active member
Nov 1, 2018
So I am thinking about buying a new pair of binoculars. I live in western Washington and am thinking about doing the high buck hunt with my son this year as he is old enough and physically capable enough now. I, on the other hand am pushing 50 and am a desk jockey so I have been working out and trying to lose some weight. I have also been lightening my gear over the last few years and my Binoculars are the last piece of the puzzle. right now I regularly use a pair of Leica 10x50 Ultravids. Great glass but heavy at 38 ozs. I am looking at the Zeiss 8x42 SF and Swarovski 8.5 x42 EL's as well as the Zeiss and Swaro 8x32 counterparts to those. On a side note the Zeiss 8x32 won't be out until about July. Given my intended uses I am comfortable with the 8x glass and I can pair it with my Nikon 50mm spotter. My questions is this, has anyone used these bino's, specifically, the 32mm vs. the 42 mm. If so, how did the 32 mm perform compared to the 42 mm glasses. These are high end bino's so I am expecting even the 32mm to perform well. I really want to know how much I would have to give up with the 32 mm to save about 6 or 7 ounces and a smaller size. Thanks.
The first question I would ask is what do you need your binocular to do?

If you are looking for deer at first or last light, the 8x42's are your huckleberry. The larger objective allows more light transmission, which will allow you to see more in low light conditions (assuming all things are equal) due to the larger exit pupil. Since you are comparing Swaro to Swaro and Zeiss to Zeiss, then all things should be. In addition, the larger objective will give you better resolution.

If you aren't glassing in twilight conditions, then the larger objective really will not make any discernable difference with alpha glass. All the models you mention will do well in broad daylight.

The lighter weight 8x32s will be a little nicer to carry, and may compliment your 10x50s well. However, they may also be harder to hold steady. I would highly advise testing them out, even if it's in the middle of a box store, just to see how well you can hold them to see if glassing with then a while will give you any trouble. Some people like the smaller glass, some don't.

Good luck with your hunt this fall!
The first question I would ask is what do you need your binocular to do?

If you are looking for deer at first or last light, the 8x42's are your huckleberry. The larger objective allows more light transmission, which will allow you to see more in low light conditions (assuming all things are equal) due to the larger exit pupil. Since you are comparing Swaro to Swaro and Zeiss to Zeiss, then all things should be. In addition, the larger objective will give you better resolution.

If you aren't glassing in twilight conditions, then the larger objective really will not make any discernable difference with alpha glass. All the models you mention will do well in broad daylight.

The lighter weight 8x32s will be a little nicer to carry, and may compliment your 10x50s well. However, they may also be harder to hold steady. I would highly advise testing them out, even if it's in the middle of a box store, just to see how well you can hold them to see if glassing with then a while will give you any trouble. Some people like the smaller glass, some don't.

Good luck with your hunt this fall!

My local Cabelas had both Swarovski models and I looked at them side by side. Both had excellent optics. As you point out, low light is the real issue and I just can't get a feel for that at the store. Zeiss doesn't even have their 8x32's out yet. I didn't find steadiness to be an issue when I looked at them. I see myself using these for mountain hunts, timber hunting, travel and recreational use. during the season I hunt a fair bit of clear cuts and the 10x50's will still get used for that. I put them on a tripod and go to town, works great.
Woohoo! First time poster here! o_O

Over the years I’ve managed to collect more than a few bino’s. For this comparison, I’ll use my Leica 10x42 Ultravid HD’s and my Zeiss Victory FL 8x32’s (*I also have 10x32’s...).

The question in the end is remarkably simple: are you walking...or not?

I bought my Leica 10x42’s for a Sitka Hunt in Alaska...and used them again in Africa on Safari a couple years later. Phenomenal glass, really the best I’ve ever used. Today these are my goto binoculars for sitting in a blind.

Right after my first trip to Africa I purchased a set of 10x32’s Zeiss Victory FL’s and 8x32’s. (*these have now been to Africa two more times and Alaska twice) I just plain couldn’t handle carrying the Leica’s for miles and miles of walking. The Zeiss do give up a “little” light at the extremes of dusk, that’s true. On the other hand, they are super sharp and crisp and if I’ve reached that point where I really really need that Leica edge deep into the last seconds of shooting light...well, let’s be honest here, shooting light’s already long gone.

In Africa, the 10x32’s stayed with the truck and the 8x32’s went for the walk. It all depended on whether it was my wife or I doing the hunting or the staying.

Final thought: the Zeiss have about 2mm more eye relief and are better for Glasses wearers. When I bought the Zeiss, I wore glasses.

Ok, one more ”final thought”: don’t discount the field of view. Look at the specs - the Leica’s generally have a tighter field of view. It does make a difference trying to spot game.

Anyway, based on your described situation I’d absolutely go 8x32 Alpha Glass and never look back.

Good Luck!
i'm going to revive this thread...
looking for suggestions on swaro el 8x32 vs 42? i hunt mostly wooded areas and small green fields for whitetail. nothing over 250 yards glassing. low light performance is priority. i'm leaning 32 for the lighter weight but i'll go 42 if low light is that much better... thx
I've used both 8x32 and 8x42 and feel that there is a difference in low light performance. When I hunt green fields and wooded areas in AL, I use Swaro SLC 8x42 exclusively.
i just got rid of my el 10x42 n swapped them for cl companion 10x30,,weight is very different but i dont notice much difference in glass

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