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7mm Rem mag bullet suggestions?

I've been a corelokts thru both of my 7mm. This year I have one shot kills with 175 gr moose, elk, and mule deer. I switched this year from 150's because of my moose hunt:)
Berger 168 grn vld. Only shot 1 elk with them. When they expand they're kinda like a grenade going off.
Blow the heck out of the meat if you hit them wrong. Had one outfitter who uses them tell me they try for a head shot if distance and accuracy of the shooter will lend it self to that. Otherwise they go for a slightly back 'gut shot' which freezes them in their tracks. But they sure have their share of detractors.

I wouldn't listen to "advice" from anyone who advocates head shots on game animals.
Provided that they shoot well in your particular rifle, 160 accubonds are pretty tough bullet to beat.
160 accubond my kid and i have stacked up alotofdeer and elk last 5years 2cows tonight 381 and 461 yards
I picked up a box of Hornady GMX 140 gr. to try as well, I'll let ya'll know how they shoot when I get some loaded.
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