Yeti GOBOX Collection

7mm-08 vs 25-06

Planning for my first big game rifle. My current choice is a Weatherby vanguard with a luepold 3xi 3.5-10 cds. I'll be hunting here in California so the majority of my hunting will be rolling foothills and some mountains going after deer and hogs mainly with the chance at black bears as well. Distances would be 100-400 yards.

I've settled between the 7mm-08 and 25-06. 6.5cm is a close third but it's on the sideline for now. I understand 7mm-08 has a bit more energy and is capable of heavier bullets if I went after bigger critters but the 25-06 looks to be a lot more efficient and flatter shooting. I can only hunt lead free and when comparing lead free options the 25-06 is actually very close if not dead even to the 7mm-08 when you get to the 300-400 yard range looking at energy. I know both are capable rounds and shot placement is most important, but it'll probably be my go to big game rifle for the next few years before I move to another state or start hunting out of state when elk is an option.

I don't hand load at this time so I'm stuck with barnes, nosler and Hornady lead free options.

Any opinions or experiences with these would be helpful.
I was looking at both of these, as well as the .280 Remington. I chose to go with the 7mm-08. It just seemed perfect for about everything that I would be using it for. I can load it down for my son as he is getting ready to hunt, I can load it for medium sized deer, and with heavier bullets take elk-sized game as well. I know you said you don't hand load, so I won't give you the info I have found on that, but I know both Nosler and Hornady make excellent ammunition that shoots very well in this caliber. The .25-06 is a great round though!
I shoot neither, but have become a real fan of the short-action, .308-based, cartridges. If I had it to do over again, I would probably buy two, 7-08s and call it good. I like the 7 millimeter bullets real well and have shot many through my mags. In real field terms, out to 300 yards, there is very little difference in a number of caliber options. In today's shooting, there is a great array of capable bullets and rifle scopes. Trajectories are not nearly as hard to deal with, using ballistic programs, dialing scopes, etc.

My personal current favorites, are my Creed and .260s.
Thanks for all the info and suggestions guys. I went to my local Sportsman's Warehouse and looked to see what they had available (recent new ammo laws on July 1 caused a bit of an ammo shortage). They still had a few lead free options in 270 and 1 in 7mm-08. Nothing in 25-06 or 6.5 creedmoor. Looking at labels for what used to be there I have twice as many lead free options for 270 than 7mm-08 when they are fully stocked. I think 270 will be my caliber of choice.
Thanks for all the info and suggestions guys. I went to my local Sportsman's Warehouse and looked to see what they had available (recent new ammo laws on July 1 caused a bit of an ammo shortage). They still had a few lead free options in 270 and 1 in 7mm-08. Nothing in 25-06 or 6.5 creedmoor. Looking at labels for what used to be there I have twice as many lead free options for 270 than 7mm-08 when they are fully stocked. I think 270 will be my caliber of choice.
I think that is a good choice (especially being in CA). Plus it fits with your screen name!
I,d recommend the 7mm-08 over the 25-06 because it is more versatile. I think the 120gr Barnes TTSX is the best deer round for lead free. However if I were doing it I would probably get a 270 Win or 30/06 for a first rifle if you are a adult. Just my thoughts.
I’d go with the 7-08, more factory ammo available in more bullet weights when you eventually make your way out of state to hunt...however with the lead ban in good ol’. cali a 25-06 might be a better option because those little 25 cal bullets are screaming out of the muzzle and they need that velocity to expand. So either way you should be good
Yeah... Like the criminals won't go get it in another state and bring it back. Because it's illegal and they don't want to brake the law. :unsure:;)
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I’m happy to see you couldn't resist, good common sense points should always be expressed.
All three are really good rounds, I’m a big 270 win fan and it has served me well over 47 years of hunting. 2506 guys love the cartridge and the one I owed shot well but it always seemed to me that it didn’t shoot better than the 270 win and was more limited in practical use for my needs. I just bought my oldest son a Ruger Hawkeye 7-08 for Christmas ( he has three sons and wasn’t buying one for himself anytime soon). The 7-08 is a great round in a short action . It has been described by a F&S forum member Treestand very well “ the 7-08 is a 270 in short pants ! “ I think he said it all.
When I checked the ballistics of your chosen two it was amazing that there was not that much difference to make any great concern. That said, the 7/08 uses a bunch less powder (and noise) to do the same thing.

Another vote for the 7/08.

But Y'all already know my preference toward it.......
25-06 vrs 7mm-08? It's actually not much more than a head game I think. If I was going elk hunting and only had my 25-06, I'd use it. If I had it and a 7mm-08, depend's on how I felt at the moment but probably the 7mm-08. For hunting open place's I limit myself to 300yd shot's but generally much less so either would work for me. But open country seem's to say to me 24" barrel and 30-06 case! Just a head game. If I was going into the Cascade's hunting, heavy timber and would say to me short action and max 22" barrel, another head game! If ya really wanted to compare two cartridge's like that I'd say choose between the 25-06 and 280 Rem! Now no short action to worry about and both should have a 24" barrel so really wouldn't matter the country but maybe the game. In a choice of the two for elk for me it would be the 280 but for deer the 25-06. Ya see, the 280 will kill an elk deader than a 25-06 and the 25-06 will kill a deer deader than a 280! All a head game! :cool:

The only reasonable answer to this is get them both!
I own both. Currently my better half uses the 7mm-08 as her elk,deer, whatever else rifle. I set my 25-06 up as an antelope hunting rifle but will use it for deer duty as well. 2 great rounds. If you can only afford to use one I would lean to the 7mm-08. Luckily I have both.
As a medium game (deer, sheep, etc.) cartridge they are both equally effective. For larger game (elk, moose, etc.) the 7mm is the choice as it can shoot a heavier bullet. If varmints or smaller bodied medium game (pronghorn, etc.) are on the menu the 25-06 is the choice.

If your intention is to mostly hunt deer, pronghorns, and cow elk I would pick the 25-06. If a big bull elk is your dream get the 7mm. You have received very good advice when other fellows suggested a 270.

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