
600 Good Paying Jobs in Utah - Thank you President Trump and Secretary Zinke

I'll call.

The expansion of oil and gas development expanded significantly under 43 and 44, as a result natural gas prices catered driving further expansion of natural gas power plants. Sure the regulations may have been a cherry on top hurting the coal industry, but it wasn't the ice cream, fudge, banana, or whip cream.

The market simply went for the easiest raw materials.

This man speaks the truth.
mmmmm Popcorn. This is so good, I don't even know where to jump in
75 sunny in SLC, NCAA tournament in town, I.C.E Show this weekend including RMEF Elk Calling Championship and Utah Taxidermist Competition, Scouting turkeys Sunday. Rough place to live!

Yeah but you are still in Utah, where the State government says you are adult enough to marry at age 15 but not adult enough ever to order a double shot of anything in your drink.

The issue isn't that 600 guys have a job, that is good, it is the cheerleading that it is ALL because of Trump.

I read more, informed my opinion & changed my mind on this specific proposal.

Still doesn't change the fact the market for coal is dwindling.

The butthurt on this thread is the new admin getting any credit. Do you think H Rodham would've flipped back to pro fossil fuel post anniontment?
The butthurt on this thread is the new admin getting credit. Do you think H Rodham would've flipped back to pro fossil fuel post anniontment?

Truth = butthurt.

You trumpsters are tender little snowflakes sometimes. ;)

Clinton's energy policy wasn't as bad as trump's. This was in the pipeline and approved by the muslim brotherhood, shouldn't it be awful?

The Clinton legacy on public lands isn't all that great. When you look at the legacy of drilling they left, they can just as easily be blamed for the nuking of the Wyoming Range mule deer herd as W.
This was in the pipeline

In poker that's called a tell.....;)

I'm out of this interstate stepkids squabble. I'll seeya in the firearms forum.
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You seem to be all for public lands but against the environment and any environmental protections. the hypocrisy is amazing
You seem to be all for public lands but against the environment and any environmental protections. the hypocrisy is amazing

Is transporting oil by rail car better for the environment than by pipelines?
I would think as Americans we would appreciate seeing 600 good paying jobs secured for several years. Not just a Utah thing; it's leadership actually doing what they promised and several industries are looking ahead to better future.

Ben your praise and credit for Obama is ridiculous. Remember the coal emission standard Trump reversed his first week? Obama was doing all he could to kill extraction energy in this country. Kill the market and the mines naturally close.

elkmagnet is just bitter because with illegal immigration down 40% Idaho may actually need to pay farm help more.

75 sunny in SLC, NCAA tournament in town, I.C.E Show this weekend including RMEF Elk Calling Championship and Utah Taxidermist Competition, Scouting turkeys Sunday. Rough place to live! are just so lucky. Man, I wish I lived in Utah and had as great of a life as you do. Just keep us updated on all things Utah on here to rub it in our faces.