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$60 for a loose screw

I’m shooting tooth of the arrow.
I tried these 3 years ago. Not sure if they still do it but you could get 1 free sample to try. Got one in each size. Glad they had tgst option, becauseI wanted to like these heads but no matter what I did I couldn't get them to shoot consistent at all.

Ended up going with a different head and absolutely no issues.
I tried these 3 years ago. Not sure if they still do it but you could get 1 free sample to try. Got one in each size. Glad they had tgst option, becauseI wanted to like these heads but no matter what I did I couldn't get them to shoot consistent at all.

Ended up going with a different head and absolutely no issues.
I'm shooting G5 now, absolutely no issues.
I’m a first generation archer. When I moved to the Midwest, I did not have a gun that fit the regulations. So in order to hunt more than just elk once a year, I learned how to shoot a bow.

Fast forward, I am shooting my bow in the back yard and noticed my arrows were flying crooked. Like bad crooked. Guessing that they made a 45* angle to say the least. I tried to align my rest with my string and ended up running out of room. I took it to my local archery shop. Needless to say, they were unhappy with how I was taking care of my bow. They said they’d look at it for $60 and give it a “hunters tune”.

I get a call today and my bow is ready. I asked the man what did he find. Apparently, the screw holding my rest was way too short and it took a quarter turn before it fell out. Because of that, my rest was not engaging at full draw, so the fletching was hitting the rest.

Upset, I paid the man what he deserved because I’m too ignorant to look for a stupid set screw. He was nice about it, and he gave me some bow maintenance tips. Lesson. Learned. The good news is I can poke to 40 yards peacefully again. Just need to set up my sight tape.

I need more archer friends in my life.
I had a similar thing happen, screw fell
Out tho. shop I bought bow from just charged me for the missing screw as labor was included in first tube up.

Tech said anytime bow is in ATv, airplane, or back of pickup to give it a once over.

apparently bolts & lock screws on bows get lose like stripper working outside of Clark county. Does anyone use loktite?