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6.5x284 or 25-06


Well-known member
May 12, 2009
I am looking at getting a new rifle specifically for deer and antelope. If you have experience with these two calibers please give me your opinion. Thanks
If you are a handloader this doesn't matter, but 25-06 seems to be more widely available.

We have put down plenty of deer with the 25-06, but you are limited to 110 gr max bullet weight, so some of the bigger body bucks have needed multiple shots to stop 'em.

My .02 cents is look at the .257 WBY, .270AI, or .280 REM. Those are good "all around" calibers with tons of variety for loads, and that will put down any big game animal.
For only deer and antelope? I would go with the 25-06. If it's occasionally going to be pressed into action on elk or bears, then the 6.5x284 would be my choice. I've used a 25-06 on quite a few deer and antelope, and never needed a follow up shot if I put the accubond in the right spot. I have shot but never killed anything with a 6.5x284, it would be a more versatile gun if your gonna use it like I said above.
If you go with 25-06, don't shoot Hornady SST's no matter how well they group. My friend made good shots(less than 150 yards, and 10 ringed) on both of his antelope this year, neither bullet passed through, and, both animals lived much longer than they should have.

Accubond, or Partition only.

My 7mmWM pushing 139 grain GMX's dropped mine instantly, but destroyed lots of meat.
I do handload so Availability of loaded ammo won't be an issue. I have been leaning towards the 25-06 but I have recently heard alot of good things about the 6.5x284 and the coolness factor is there because not many people have one compared to the 25-06.
That is definantly cool but I think it is alittle more gun than I want. Probably very pricey as well. I bet a 4000fps 25cal is a barrel burner.
I own both. I'd say for deer and antelope alone, its tough to beat the 25-06. Throw elk into the mix and the 6.5 comes out ahead with its 140gr bullets.

Either choice is good though. 6.5 is a handloader's cartridge; keep that in mind.
Have you thought about a 6x284? I have one and love it for deer, wolf, coyotes. Haven't shot an antelope with it but it would do the trick perfect. It kills with some serious energy just like the 6.5x284. For me it's a do all gun. It has a jewell trigger and a bull barrel and is extremely accurate.
Not to muddy the waters even further, but have you looked into the 6.5 x 47L? My son has been trying to talk me into one for my next rifle .......................... which I'm sure he plans on borrowing if I buy.
I've enjoyed the 25-06 in hunting both antelope and deer here in Colorado. Using either handloaded 100gr Nosler Partitions or 100gr Remington Core-Lokts have for me proven deadly - usually one shot kills sometimes at long distances!
I can't offer any comment on the other cartridge but the 25-06 is a great cartridge and it does a great job without having to resort to a magnum class.
I've owned my Remington 700 BDL 25-06 (Bonnie) for 26 years. Over the years I've tried several different calibers but have always went back to Bonnie. I started hunting with it in Wyoming tagging antelope, mule deer and elk. Moved to Missouri for twenty years and lived in an area where whitetail doe tags was open quota. So countless whitetails. Now live in NV and the gun has tagged three mule deer and two elk. I did shoot 100 gr NBT tips for years in MO but now shoot 115 gr NP. Got an exit wound on a mule deer this year at 200 yards on a high front shoulder shot. Exit wound on my cow elk at 300 yards high front shoulder and on my wives bull elk at 100 yards behind the front shoulders. I don't reload ammo but complain every time i buy a box of ammo. My vote is the 25-06!!
For me it'd be the 6.5X284 hands down. It'll shoot as fast and flat with 100gr bullets as a 25-06, yet has way slippier bullets for longer ranges. Since you handload, a couple of other big plus's for me are that Lapua makes brass for it, though while expensive it is excellent. In addition, it's been the darling of long range target shooting for some time meaning there are lots of load data out there for the heavier bullets. IMO, it can do anything the 25-06 can do and in some cases things it can't.
I bought a 25-06 from a guy on this site (browning A-bolt). It is the first time I had shot a rifle in 30 years. It is a very sweet shooting gun.

Very accurate, no recoil. Puts antelope down very well. I highly recommend this gun.

good luck to all
the dog
PS: I shoot hornaday bullets and have no problem with antelope. all three dropped in the tracks when hit.
You guys are making good arguments for both. I probably wouldn't use it for elk, I have a 300 win mag and 30-06 for that. I do like the option of a 140gr bullet in 6.5 for those big bodied mule deer.
+1 on the 6.5x284. I shoot 140 bergers out of it at about 2930. the rifle has minimal recoil for the ballistics. I use mine for everything from coyotes, mule deer, whitetail, and antelope. Excellent long range capabilities. Can't speak on the 25-06 besides reading about it in shooting manuals; it also looks fairly impressive ballistically speaking. I prefer a little heavier bullet with better BC.
I had a .25/06 built on a Sako barreled action and Reinhart Fajen stock 40 years ago. Still own it and have shot numerous deer and antelope with it. The .25/06 is a splendid open country cartridge. I use the 120-gr. Speer Spitzer Hot Core (now called something else), and the 115 gr. Nosler Partition. Never lost a single animal with this rifle. I use 55 grs. of H-4831 when loading either bullet.
The 25-06 would be a great choice for deer and antelope, but the 6.5 is a great caliber and will carry a heavier bullet. It just comes down to which one you decide that you want. Just look at ballistics charts and component availability and make your decision on that.
So I have pretty much decided on the 6.5x284. I would like to get it in a Browning x-bolt but it is not available in 6.5x284. I also looked at the Savage 16/116 FCSS Weather Warrior which is available in the 6.5 . What would you guys suggest as some other good guns that would be available in this caliber. Thanks

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