Yeti GOBOX Collection

Mauser Caliber Ideas

I have 6.5x55 that is a joy to shoot, but if you have that long mauser action then you might as well use all of it.
8mm Mauser or 9.3x62 gets my vote. Keep it "Mauser".
I have a Nazi marked Mauser 98 that was sporterized at some point into .35 Whelen with a Buhmiller barrel and a fancy walnut stock. I must say it is one of my favorites. However the 9.3x62 is a classic Mauser caliber and have a rebored JC Higgins model 50 (Mauser) in that. Both are thimpers. But the ease of forming brass and bullet availability goes to the .35.
I have a Brno mauser that was my grandfathers. I started into the project as it was an unfired rifle and was going to sporterize it and use it.

Started polishing and found a line in the barrel that was visible on the outside and in the bore…. Needless to say I don’t want to shoot it as is with fear of the indication being a crack and blowing the barrel.

I have a new stock with the military barrel contour and want to rebarrel it to something.

My initial though was to go 6.5x284 but thinking about other calibers. I already have a 25-06, 30-06, 257 ackley, 280 ackley and was looking for something new and fun to reload.

I know it’s an opinion thread but thought I’d ask suggestions and see if something sparks an interest 😁
How do you like the 257 Ackley? What kind of velocities are you getting and is it worth it to go the Ackley route?
I don’t think the .35 Whelen is a bad option but i might go .338-06 or 8mm-06. Seems lots of military Mausers were rechambered for the 8mm-06 as the barrel was already the right diameter and the .30-06 brass was plentiful. Just a thought.
Put on your big boy pants. Last summer I built this 404 Jeffery on an 8mm BRNO vz.24.
Lilja made the barrel and Dennis Olsen put it on the action. Both are in Plains, MT. A local machinist here opened up the bolt face using Duane Wiebe's useful booklet for making these conversions. I did the rest of the work including installing a 3-position Model 70 style safety from Parkwest, 416 Remington bottom metal (trigger guard/magazine box) from Swift-Blackburn, magnum length follower from New England Custom Gun, Model 70 Safari Express iron sights from eBay, Timney trigger from eBay, semifinished stock from a GunPost vendor, scope rail from Sarco, and Warne Quick Detach rings from eBay. I also modified the action feeding ramp, rails, exctractor, and follower to cycle much longer and fatter 404 cartridges. The stock came with one recoil crossbolt and I added a second "internal" one behind the magazine box (a la Weatherby). And I floated the barrel and bedded the action.

I would advise upgrading to 375 H&H rather than 404. It's easier to find ammo and components for 375 which is also a more versatile caliber. These actions have been built into 416 Rigby (e.g. Harry Selby's rifle) but I think that's pushing the envelope ... for both shooter and the action. 375 is an excellent caliber for anything from deer to 1700 lb Cape buffalo. I used one to take two buffalo.
Did I mention I've never built a big bore rifle before? It's not rocket science. Not quite.
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I love my 9.3x62 and 9.3x57. I also have 35 Whelen 8mm-06. My grandfather was a gunsmith back in 60s 70s I have a lot of 03s Mausers Enfields chambered in a lot. My favorite is 308 Norma mag
I don’t think the .35 Whelen is a bad option but i might go .338-06 or 8mm-06. Seems lots of military Mausers were rechambered for the 8mm-06 as the barrel was already the right diameter and the .30-06 brass was plentiful. Just a thought.
I reload the 8mm-06 and the 180gr and 200gr loads are devastating
A 6mm-06 would be a fun one too. Pretty much like a 240 Weatherby only without a belt. Be simple to neck down 25-06 brass.
It is very simple and it is a great shooter. I started to see more of it since rise if the Creedmore. My uncle shot the 6.5-06 for years in competition
I have a .338-06 and wish they made a good 200gr option. I use both the 185gr and 210gr Barnes TTSX
I have a weatherby in 338-06 it's a good round. The issue I run into is that they run so close together and sometimes one isn't really better then the other.
Kind of depends on what you want/need. keeping it in the x57 family will be less work and likely feed better.

458x 57 a brush thumper
11x 57 a 44 cal-ish - something like a 444 in a bolt gun
10x57 never heard of this one but hey

**The above might not feed well out of the mag

9.3x57 a classic European heavy hitter
8x57 gets little love in the US but can do anything the 308 or -06 can do
7x57 another classic
6.5x57 little known in the US- can do as much or more than the CM
6x57 (AKA 6mm Remington) maybe with a fast twist barrel if you are thinking more in the big game realm
5.56x57 never heard of this one but I suspect someone has done it, with a fast twist barrel one should be able to get some cruise missiles to step along nicely

So many options so little time
338-06. or 7x57,, or a 416 taylor if you want a magnum

i did 30 or so 376 steyer's on 98 mausers for guys 20 years ago, still got one in the back of the safe,,,

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