6.5 STW vs 6.5 Weatherby


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2004
In a box under a bridge
There can't be much difference. Both use a full-sized 375 H&H brass, like the 8mm rem mag.
Would it be as simple as using some of my 8mm brass and necking down to make an STW?
Of course, I'd have to find a doner and get a barrel.
The 6.5 STW is simply the 8mm Rem Mag necked down with no other changes.
Hence it would be slightly longer than the 6.5-300 WBY.

Either way you look at it, they will both push a bullet fast.
I have a 6.5-300 and that thing is a stud. Plus new brass will be easier to come by.
In theory, they're very similar. Behemoths and hungry for some very slow powder. Not sure you'd find enough 375H&H or similar brass these days to make either.

You'd probably need a new barrel by the time you got loads developed 🤣
Once fired 375 H&H brass can be found, I have a few hundred and 3oo 8mm rem mag brass. I do know rl 26 is magical in my 8 I have an 8-pound jug.
I would get several barrels. . .
Back when the STW was new (30yrs ago?) and very little data, we barreled a rifle with the full length blank which was I think 32 inches. After about 300 rounds of load development we cut 4 inches off the chamber end, rechambered, and had a "new" 28 inch barrel that we already had load data for. Was cheaper than two barrels.
6.5x300’s are awesome. I just sold one and all the supporting supplies 2 weeks ago. What a hammer. After spending roughly 100 rounds at the range I came to the conclusion that it was WAY more gun than I need for the hunting ranges and field positions I am capable of shooting. There is a lot of factory ammo and components available. The 124 hammer hunter and 147 ELDm both shoot well. They are a cool round and definitely have the potential to wack stuff really far away.
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