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6.5 cm hate?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 38069
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I think it's because hunting has turned from a community to an industry. When i was a kid there was a handful of calibres people shot and a handful of things you wore. Now there's all these new camo brands and guns and people have to have the newest and greatest otherwise they're being left behind. I've actually had people criticize my clothing and kit options because i don't buy all this fandangle gear that's out there.

I've been fortunate to shoot one of the biggest red stags and biggest fallow bucks ever taken in Australia. The former was shot wearing a shirt i used to go to night clubs in during uni days and a $20 drab green jumper over the top with a 30 cal rifle. The latter was with a pair of pants with such a big rip in the arse i had to turf them not long after the hunt.

I don't particularly have anything against the creedmoor other than it's a prime example of this ignorant new philosophy that new guys know better than the old guard when its simply replicating or underperforming against the ballistics of calibres that have been around for yonks. I'd rather see newer hunters focus on being good hunters i.e. learning to understand the animals behaviours, reading sign, learning to get in close, having respect for the lives of the animals they harvest and properly utilise game meat. not just buy the most expensive gear shoot a deer from as far as possible and tag 20 brands in the picture that's been uploaded before the animal is even in the persons truck. In my part of the world at least this stuff is killing the culture of hunting and turning it into just another platform for social recognition.

So in short it's the fact that creedmoor receives any attention that i resent. It's a gun just use it and stop trying to market the fact that you're using it to get a pat on the back or recognition for doing so.
Sadly, I must report that I bought a 6.5 Subaru ponytail today. I don’t expect magic, I just got a great deal on a solid action to build a solid but not extravagant 600-900y target rifle. I like 6.5mm bullet options, seems straightforward to reload, nice low recoil, will do well for my intended purpose, but I will still be hunting pronghorn with my 25-06 and elk with my .270 - just ‘cuz.
Hey, if you've got a manbun why not use it to get some chicks while it's still cool. Before long the times will change and you'll just be the creepy middle-aged man with a ponytail.
I have reached the level of wisdom that reminds me that young hot chicks had their time and place in my journey, but they just aren’t worth the effort any more :)
Some are just resistant to change and some are just collectors and want to try something new. I am a traditionalist Owning 45-70 govt in a 1885 high wall to M1 Garand 30-06, Winchester 70 in 243, TC Encore in 7-08 and so on. Love shooting them all and tinker with reloads. Considering AR platforms now, who would have guessed
The only reason I could see one bashing the 6.5 has nothing to do with the cartridge itself. I think the issue comes when people see benchrest 1000 yd 6.5 CM rifles and equate it to shooting an elk@1000yds. The cartridge is interesting and available in some cheap rifles that can shoot really well but the key is to know the ethical limits a particular cartridge/bullet has.
I don't have a problem with the 6.5 MB, I just don't care for hyped up, trendy, over-rated things. I also never cared for the Backstreet Boys or Milli Vanilli.

I know that is a dated reference, but I could not tell you a more relevant band name, even if you put a 6.5 creed bun to my head.

I shoot a 80 - 90 s? rem 700 bdl in 7 mm rem mag with the original Leupold Varix 2 scope on it because it was the first big game rifle I could afford ($400) and it has yet to let me down at ranges out to 400 yards.
I hunted elk with a buddy who used one. I saw 2 elk killed with it. Although I think it's a little light for elk, there's no doubt that it will kill one. So, yes, I would hunt with a friend who carried one.
Did you say "pew, pew, pew" when he fired that canon off?
Nope, he was across the valley. Not sure who your hunting with that would use those terms, but you may want to reconsider hunting buddies.
Prob why I hunt alone. Congrats on your elk and your marksmanship.
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