PEAX Equipment

6.5 CM as a hunting cartridge... why?

No, the mono's will expand under 2800 FPS but the slower they go, the more likely they are not to, IME. So if they're starting at 2800 and you shoot very far at all, you're going to have trouble with expansion.

From what I've seen, I would not shoot a 140 E-tip less than 3200 from the barrel, and I wouldn't shoot much over 350, 400 yards at the very most unless I could get them to shoot faster.

I just don't care to be tracking an elk around the country side with a pencil hole in it.
Yep. I’m not gonna shoot 180 grain E-tips out of my .308 and expect anything other than pencil holes and long blood trails. A lighter Hammer would no doubt work great for the .308 or 7-08 just like it does in the 6.5. Shooting a 140 grain E-tip out of a 6.5 Creedmoor is asking for trouble.

I’m sticking with my 165 ballistic tips.
This is a forum full of actual hunters who are less concerned with ballistic masturbation. Guys here are more hunters first, rifle nuts second (or fifth). There are exceptions of course, but that's the general vibe. I think the OP doesn't fully appreciate that.

Anyway, I'd like to resurrect Charles Sheldon and have the OP explain to him the mountain of dead game he killed with the 6.5x54 would have been deader with a 7x57 or 303 British :)

Pole vaulting.

Mouse turds.
Or the 300 savage :)
This is a forum full of actual hunters who are less concerned with ballistic masturbation. Guys here are more hunters first, rifle nuts second (or fifth). There are exceptions of course, but that's the general vibe. I think the OP doesn't fully appreciate that.

Anyway, I'd like to resurrect Charles Sheldon and have the OP explain to him the mountain of dead game he killed with the 6.5x54 would have been deader with a 7x57 or 303 British :)

Pole vaulting.

Mouse turds.
Everything I have shot at has died unless I effed up the shot. There, i said it.
17 words.
I'm starting to see that bullet performance varies so much from situation to situation that it's hard to draw any firm conclusions on bullet performance. I mean, go look at the 7mm-08 140 Fusion vs 120 TTSX thread. One guy says Fusion without a doubt and the next one says 120 TTSX hands down. I think it's useful to keep in mind three things here - 1) we're dealing with VERY small sample sizes, and 2) every single real world situation is unique (going back to point 1), and 3) critters do not have a monolithic makeup, meaning some shots hit soft tissue and some shots hit bone.


Somewhere between 50-100 animals. I’ve changed cartridges a lot, bullets not so much. Haven’t had a problem yet. Bullets performance doesn’t vary much within their intended design. where people put the bullet and at what speed does. Lots of good ones if you use them right. Animals die when you put holes in them, really not all that hard to kill em unless you shoot em in the foot or ass or something.
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The best thing about a 6.5 Creedmoor is that you can ream it out to a 260 Ackley. Then it will push a 127g LRX at 3120 fps.
The worst thing about a creedmore is when you have a 22, 24, 25, and 26 and have resized half your brass in a direction not head stamped and you realize it’s only a matter of time before you blow yourself to pieces.
View attachment 356828

Somewhere between 50-100 animals. I’ve changed cartridges a lot, bullets not so much. Haven’t had a problem yet. Bullets performance doesn’t vary much within their intended design. where people put the bullet and at what speed does. Lots of good ones if you use them right. Animals die when you put holes in them, really not all that hard to kill em unless you shoot em in the foot or ass or something.
My 30-30 win is pushing 350 animals with round nose 150's @ 2300 fps. Thinking about taking an elk with it at 600+ Whatcha think?
My big. 30 will keep me out of that nonsense. mtmuley
I imagine a 25 cal bullet going thru a 243 barrel will kick about like a 30. Think I’m gonna settle on the 22 and 25. The 65 is already gone but still load for my buddy so they are around. Might have said it earlier but I think the 25 is the actual place a creed belongs. The 6 was fun but I’m up to around 1500 on my 3rd barrel and tired of heavy guns.

You, for sure, have a man bun.
It was possible back in early 2000’s but my wife took scissors to it. My pony tail that is.
I imagine a 25 cal bullet going thru a 243 barrel will kick about like a 30. Think I’m gonna settle on the 22 and 25. The 65 is already gone but still load for my buddy so they are around. Might have said it earlier but I think the 25 is the actual place a creed belongs. The 6 was fun but I’m up to around 1500 on my 3rd barrel and tired of heavy guns.
My "little" rifle is a .243. Started shooting it in about 1990. Works good. mtmuley

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