Kenetrek Boots

6.5 CM as a hunting cartridge... why?

This trend toward hunting larger and larger game with smaller and smaller cartridges is a little mind boggling to me. The thing I want to ask every 6.5 CM advocate is this, is that the upper limit of recoil you can tolerate? If so, then good for you that you have the cartridge. If not, why even bother with it? What is the advantage it offers?

It's not a trend, rounds like .243 have been killing all sorts of stuff for a lot longer than you've been butthurt about the 6.5cm. Maybe the biggest advantage the 6.5 gives people is confidence, because that's what really matters when you pull the trigger. We had FIVE hunters with .30-bore cartridges whiff on elk this year at the lodge, maybe they should buy a smaller rifle they can shoot well instead.
"they make it seem that the product does things that other cartridges are incapable of. Some of the marketing crap about recoil and inherent accuracy, etc. is just exaggerated hype IMO."

I've tried to like the 6.5 CM on its merits, from an objective point of view, but this is what I discovered. Just doesn't live up to any of the claims.
Long ranger still ain't ya? mtmuley
Yea, never liked golf much. Got a big 30 in the works if it makes ya feel better. Did whack a pretty nice buck this past season at a fair distance, moving, with a 6.5, but it wasn’t a creed. Got a video if ya want to see it?
Yea, never liked golf much. Got a big 30 in the works if it makes ya feel better. Did whack a pretty nice buck this past season at a fair distance, moving, with a 6.5, but it wasn’t a creed. Got a video if ya want to see it?
Nope. mtmuley
We have to go back to old wood 06’s with red rubber butt pads to toughen up this generation. If an 08 has too much recoil for someone they probably shouldn’t be hunting big game, not referring to you Birdwatcher.
Funny you say that. I was shooting an early mfg, 7.5 lb .300 WSM this morning with a solid rubber butt pad. Made my 7mm-08's feel like .22's by comparison.

Yea, the recoil argument for the 6.5 CM just doesn't hold water IMO. I mean, you don't get to argue that there isn't a difference downrange between the CM and the 7mm-08 or .260, then turn around and say there is a noticeable difference in recoil. Physics doesn't work that way.
I am in my mid-50's now and have to wear reading glasses, but my far vision is still 20/10. That said, I spend a lot of time in the outdoors with people of all ages, and I'm always pointing out birds or wildlife that for the life of them, they cannot see even well inside of 200 yards. Most people are flat out blind when it comes to spotting game in the woods. Then hand them a scope or binos and its even worse because they can't ever find the critter in the field of view. LOL
They probably suck at Where’s Waldo too. Or that game where you have spot hidden objects in a painting. Finding objects is a different talent than just seeing.