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6.5 CM as a hunting cartridge... why?

Most (id guess 8 to 9 outta 10) hunters couldn’t hit a 10” x 10” target at 423 yards in a true 20mph wind no matter what they are shooting. Add in off a tripod, pack, natural object, good luck with a first round impact. But hey, let’s keep talking about the headstamps!
I'm waiting for my Saturday morning poop before I go be a 'Murican and head to the big city for a gun show. The thread is already TLDR. I mean it's just another 6.5CM thread. Still, I doubt it got to 59 posts without someone pointing out (again :rolleyes:) that ballistics and bullet construction matter, but marksmanship and woodsmanship matter more.

It may just be your writing style, but I get the sense you think you are the one who could make that shot. I don't want you to get triggered because I am actually agreeing with you. I do know (at least in the HT sense) people posting on this thread who could do it.

The truth is that in the age of IG, YT, and dial scopes everyone thinks they are Carlos Hathcock. I better say Chris Kyle so the younger readers get the reference. Old guys know that as fine a marksman as he was, Whitefeather (Hathcock) did a lot of crawling through the weeds to get closer.

400+ yards and a full value wind is not a shot I would readily take at a live animal. Not even with my big 35 Cal. Last day on a once in lifetime hunt, I admit the pressure would be high to take the shot. IMHO, stalking is easier in a steady crosswind. Get closer. I sure as hell put in the practice before my OIL moose hunt. Just never got the opportunity.

You are new here, so you would not know that I have at least 3 (maybe 4?) 6.5mm rifles in the safe. I'm never going to rag on the 6.5mm's. I do not own a 6.5CM. I have killed elk with both the 6.5 Swede and the 264 WM. I hope someday to blood that 6.5 RPM, too. Humble brag? Sure. Before the CM came out, this thread would be about whether the 243 is ethical for elk. Despite the vast number of elk killed by them in the hands of competent hunters.

I have never seen the point it all this drama. All bullets of the same diameter, construction, BC, and SD should be expected to perform the same when delivered at the same velocity. Good hit or bad hit, the same. Everything else is just Red vs Blue. Anyone who doesn't understand which bullets are best for various animals is not qualified to make a judgment on calibers anyway. Maybe that is a more relevant discussion. Even that will devolve into Berger vs Hammer. BTDT. Just another off-season day on the greatest forum on earth.

The .35 has the BC of a brick and even hand loaded the rounds are expensive as hell. I don't go to out to work on my wind calls every weekend, but I do practice my wind calls.
If my go-to were a lot cheaper to feed and had the famous 6.5mm high BC, I would practice more with that rifle.

It's not funny, but let's say telling, that I've lost animals with 30's and 7mms but never a 6.5. I expect it's because I focus more on the shot knowing it has to be right.

Funny - While I was burning daylight writing and editing this manifesto, two real hunters said it all in one sentence.
I’m convinced that folks who argue on the internet about “cartridges” they don’t think are worthy or equal to for “insert hunting here” don’t ever really do much hunting.
Who gives an actual f@#$k what rifle/weapons other people use?
Two guys who could make that shot. I have a post-it on page 512 of Idaho's Greatest Mule Deer Vol 2. Borrowing from Mr. Sinclair himself, 220 f@#$king Swift for the win.
Bullet selection and placement is king. It’s pretty easy to thumb through a reloading manual and see what a gun is capable of. The creed more isn’t enough for elk but I’ve killed a pile of game at over 500 with my prc sounds like bs to me.
If things where more available I’d love to have a 7 rum pushing those 195 bergers
Loaded for one years ago. It was pretty finicky about what it liked. I think we ended up 160 Accubonds. I'd probably shoot a light mono at warp speed if I did it again. mtmuley
Who gives an actual f@#$k what rifle/weapons other people use?
I literally could not care less what people choose to use. My question was more what has caused the 6.5 CM to become so popular among the hunting community. There are logical reasons for the cartridge (which I listed in my opening post) but none that really translate to hunting situations very well for anyone other than perhaps small statured, recoil sensitive shooters. In my mind, the 6.5 CM is the modern day .243 for recoil sensitive shooters, and maybe that's the answer.
Most people only lose close up vision as they age. Besides, they make these things called glasses to correct for distance vision issues. ;)
I am in my mid-50's now and have to wear reading glasses, but my far vision is still 20/10. That said, I spend a lot of time in the outdoors with people of all ages, and I'm always pointing out birds or wildlife that for the life of them, they cannot see even well inside of 200 yards. Most people are flat out blind when it comes to spotting game in the woods. Then hand them a scope or binos and its even worse because they can't ever find the critter in the field of view. LOL
I literally could not care less what people choose to use. My question was more what has caused the 6.5 CM to become so popular among the hunting community. There are logical reasons for the cartridge (which I listed in my opening post) but none that really translate to hunting situations very well for anyone other than perhaps small statured, recoil sensitive shooters. In my mind, the 6.5 CM is the modern day .243 for recoil sensitive shooters, and maybe that's the answer.
Google will keep you busy for weeks about the Creedmoor. mtmuley
I prefer the 6 creedmore for elk... Might even try the 22 creed next year. Gotta get the 25 creed out of the way first though.
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How come no one on here ever argues over Hoyt/mathews/bowtech? It’s always about fixed of mechanical it’s almost like it doesn’t matter how the projectile gets there as long as it’s the proper one for the job
Almost every hunter thinks they have the perfect setup. Anything else outside of that in their mind is open to scrutiny and ridicule sometimes. Just the way the web works. mtmuley
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