Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

6.5-06AI results at 500 meters


New member
Mar 10, 2001
Breckenridge, TX
Well we finally got a day where the wind was not too bad. Only about 15 gusting to 20 or so and blowing at our backs at about a 20-25 degree angle from left to right.

We set our target up and I had a friend who used to shoot a lot of benchrest shoot for group at 500 meters, approx 550 yards.

Loads used were 58 grains of H4831SC with a Fed 210M primer, Remington brass and either a Nosler 125 grain partition or the Hornady 129 grain Interlock. Chronographed speed is 3220 fps.

He shot two groups and the best was 3.769 inches and the next best was 4.245. I forgot to make note of which was which for some reason.

I then shot a group at life sized ram and put 3 in the shoulder area that went as best we could measure them 4.75 inches or a big larger.

We also shot some 95 grain VMAX but the best we could get with them in the wind was about 6-6.5 inches.

I think I will keep it around a while.

Just for my info are you sitting the bullets on the lands or about .0010 off. By the way nice shooting. That sure makes the under MOA we all look for in a hunting rifle.
Mike Murphy
Nice shootin' Pecos!!

Any Idea on how much "holdover" you used on that. ;) WD

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-28-2002 14:17: Message edited by: WDSWIFT ]</font>
Well, I didn't do the shooting, but thanks anyway.

For MLM and Wdswift; I seat my bullets from .001 to .003 off the lands depending on the shape of the bullet. .003 is the max for fat orgive bullets and .001 is the max for bullets like the Sierras etc.

We did holdover, we dialed it in to a 550 yard zero, however, it is normally zeroed for 200 yards which would make it approx 66 inches for the 129 grain and 63 inches for the 95 vmax. If I did my math right.

Disregard the holdover figures above. I guess it makes a difference which program you use.

The true holdover figures for a 200 yard zero would be for the 95 grain VMAX - 28 inches with a velocity of 3650 fps.

For the 129 grain Hornady and the 125 grain Nosler partition it would be 34 inches with a velocity of 3220.
