Caribou Gear Tarp

.500 S&W Hunting Loads


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2021
I bought a .500 S&W 20 years ago which got me into hand loading (I was in college and thought it was the coolest gun ever). I have kicked around various loads over the years for target pratice, but have never hunted with the gun. A few units I try to hunt allow traditional handgun, which this qualifies for, so I thought I would work up some hunting loads for cow elk or does, and see how it goes. I can usually group 1” at 100 yds with my past loads off a bench. Does anyone have any hunting loads for the .500 or a similar handgun? I’ll document how things go over the next month or two (hopefully), incase anyone in the future stumbles across this.
You shoot 1" groups at 100 yards with a pistol? Holy smokes...

I wouldn't think it matters too much with a big slug like that. It more or less has the effectiveness of a muzzleloader. I'd opt for a softer type bullet.

Good luck I've always had an interest in a 500 but in a rifle. I suck at shooting pistols.
It’s a fun gun to shoot for sure! I have a bunch of Sierra 400 grain JSP bullets sitting around, i think I’ll start with some H110 and work some loads up and see what happens.
If that question is for me then 7-5/8” barrel and a Leopould pistol scope.
Yup that question was for you. Sounds like a darn accurate hand cannon. I've seen Hornady 350 grain XTP mag in Missoula. That should be a good bullet for what you want to hunt.
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