5 things about you.

1) Saw the Blue Angels while on a duck hunt in Ca.
2) Married to the best person I know for close to 29 years now
3) Rushed the field when UVA beat FSU in football in '95(not important to most of you, but amazing if you are a UVA football fan)
4) Picked up Phil and Kay Robertson at the airport in Raleigh for an outdoor show. This was prior to the "Duck Dynasty" days; Phil was a good guy to talk to. Got to meet Dr Deer-James Kroll and Michael Waddell at the same show
5) Have travelled through or visited 42 states(hunted in 14 states)
1. Almost never took notes in class at Montana State. Some people thought it was because I was smart. The reality was I am such a slow writer and poor speller that five minutes into the lecture I was two minutes behind. My notes were useless scribbles after that. I was much better off just not even taking them.
2. Voted by the faulty as the outstanding senior in the department of economics for the spring 93. Like I said above, some people thought I was smart, boy I had them fooled.
3. Got a phone call from Reba McEntire. Actuality she was trying to call the lady that was taking care of my GG grandmother. She and McEntire were friends/relatives. I just was the one to answer the phone, but we did have a conversation for a minute or so.
4. Voted prom king at high school. All the popular boys in my class were ineligible because they had been homecoming king candidates.
5. Married for 30 years to the only real girl friend I have ever had.

Have to mention I have found a lot of shed antlers, Never had someone see the shed collection and say they have seen a better one, even the 1 uppers are silent.
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1) Saw the Blue Angels while on a duck hunt in Ca.
2) Married to the best person I know for close to 29 years now
3) Rushed the field when UVA beat FSU in football in '95(not important to most of you, but amazing if you are a UVA football fan)
4) Picked up Phil and Kay Robertson at the airport in Raleigh for an outdoor show. This was prior to the "Duck Dynasty" days; Phil was a good guy to talk to. Got to meet Dr Deer-James Kroll and Michael Waddell at the same show
5) Have travelled through or visited 42 states(hunted in 14 states)
Dixie Deer Classic?
Dixie Deer Classic?
It was a show at the fairgrounds called the Scope Expo. Lasted two years, but they had some talent there:
John Stephens, Mike Waddell, James Kroll, Charles Alsheimer, Sean Mann, Buck Gardner and Phil Robertson.
They were a little ahead of the duck hunting craze in this area and only did the show for two years.
The biggest draw was actually Cooter(Ben Jones) from the Dukes of Hazard!
They also had Big Tom from the first Survivor show(that tells you how long ago it was)
I've been thinking about this while enjoying the posts submitted...some good people here.

1. 40 years of outkicked coverage with a kind, patient, and beautiful wife.

2. 3 children, a son born on Father's Day, the youngest, a daughter born on New Years Day, and the firstborn another beautiful smart daughter, 10 grands, and 2 great grands.

3. Own and operate a construction business full time, play guitar, shoot cool guns, get outfoxed by elk most every year, and hunt TX whitetail every year.

4. Owned and thoroughly enjoyed 5 Harley-Davidsons, quit em in 2019. Miss the fellowship, do not miss the risk.

5. So far I haven't needed a bucket list but when I do it'll be one more quality day with my family.
duck wrangler I also talked to ole Phil on the phone back in the day, ordered a duck call from them as I got their phone number off a outdoor show on TNN, back around 1986 or so. You're right they good people, heck we talked duck hunting for 20 minutes and I only bought a 11 dollar duck call, the Reacher. Dern call was deadly on black ducks and mallards in flooded timber. Glad you got to meet them.
It was a show at the fairgrounds called the Scope Expo. Lasted two years, but they had some talent there:
John Stephens, Mike Waddell, James Kroll, Charles Alsheimer, Sean Mann, Buck Gardner and Phil Robertson.
They were a little ahead of the duck hunting craze in this area and only did the show for two years.
The biggest draw was actually Cooter(Ben Jones) from the Dukes of Hazard!
They also had Big Tom from the first Survivor show(that tells you how long ago it was)
I wish I could have met and talked whitetails with Charles Alsheimer. He was my favorite whitetail writer and what seemed to be a great guy.
duck wrangler I also talked to ole Phil on the phone back in the day, ordered a duck call from them as I got their phone number off a outdoor show on TNN, back around 1986 or so. You're right they good people, heck we talked duck hunting for 20 minutes and I only bought a 11 dollar duck call, the Reacher. Dern call was deadly on black ducks and mallards in flooded timber. Glad you got to meet them.
I first met him at a show in Richmond Va in the mid 80's. I remember him telling me and my dad that Terry Bradshaw was his backup and thought he was just feeding us a line.
Yes, he and Kay are good people.

I actually got to talk to Willie for a while at the show in Raleigh. Down to earth guy too even though the show made him seem larger than life. He had just competed in tryouts for the Amazing Race with Jase's wife. Willie was much smaller back then!
1. Met my wife at a bar. I was always told not to marry someone you meet at the bar. Neither one of us were drinking and we danced the night away. She’s a keeper, 30 years now.
2. I have two sons that are responsible adults. Not being your kids best friend while they’re growing up is okay. Teach them! They are raising their own kids now, teaching what they learned.
3. Lived through 3 major earthquakes in 1992. 7.2, 6.5 and 6.2 in 24 hours.
4. Saw a woman that lived in a redwood tree, her name was butterfly.
5. Survived multiple hunting camps with @JohnCushman
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1. Met my wife at a bar. I was always told not to marry someone you meet at the bar. Neither one of us was drinking and we danced the night away. She’s a keeper, 30 years now.
2. I have two sons that are responsible adults. Not being your kids best friend while they’re growing up is okay. Teach them! They are raising their own kids now, teaching what they learned.
3. Lived through 3 major earthquakes in 1992. 7.2, 6.5 and 6.2 in 24 hours.
4. Saw a woman that lived in a redwood tree, her name was butterfly.
5. Survived multiple hunting camps with @JohnCushman
@JohnCushman i have some photos I won’t share….😜
5. Seriously hunted mule deer to the tune of about 10,000 miles walked between hunting and scouting, over 48 years and never managed to kill a big one. I never said that I was good at it.
I have seen some of your buck pictures. Your idea of big far exceeds most peoples standards today and those bucks would qualify as really really nice back in the day.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it
No one would disagree with you. I recall upon hearing that 12/31/1999 was not the actual end but after a few seconds I though back and I cheered as a kid when the car odometer rolled over from 99,999 miles. I did not cheer when rolled to 100,001. Now, we are Base 10 as have 10 digits on both hands combined.

If we had 3 digits per hand then changes things a bit since would be 6/6/1666 which would roll over to 1/1/2000. Wait, what about 60 seconds and 60 minutes. Why not 100 seconds? Sumerians used Base 12. That is why. 5 x 12 seconds in a minute, 5 x 12 minutes in an hour, 2 x 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year.

Now, back to your regular interesting programming. Okay, first, one quick joke.

A Mexican magician was the entertainment at a birthday party. He explained in Spanish that at the count of three he would disappear. Magician says, "Uno. Dos. " POOF!!!! Magician disappeared. Without a tres.
1. I have four awesome kids and I wouldn't trade being a dad for anything in the world.
2. I'm a small business owner.
3. I have been a waterfowl freak since I was ten.
4. I have caught the bow hunting elk bug again.
5. Looking forward to a hip replacement at 48 years old end of February
1. My only traffic violation was for 95 in a 65… apparently my purple ‘98 Malibu looked exactly like the black four door sedan the police officer clocked- wrong place, wrong time for me

2. I’ve got nearly 500,000 miles of hauling cattle under my belt.

3. I was on The Hunt Backcountry podcast

4. I’ve seen my favorite band (Lucero) 28 times

5. Not exactly surprising, but I had a Bowtech Destroyer delaminate in my hand. That was quite an experience
1) As a teenager working on a dairy farm, I was hooking a cow's chain collar to a chain tie stanchion. A bolt of lightning hit the barn throwing me 10' out into a walkway.

2) At age 19 I was made assistant firearms instructor at a maximum security state prison. That same year I was assigned to Riot Team #1 ... I was second man through the door with a 4' stick. Saw action several times.

3) As a Game Warden, I was held at gun point (the barrel of the Winchester '94 looked like a freaking howitzer at 8'), I was shot at (they hit the canoe I was in), a violent ice fisherman tried to decapitate me with an ice chisel, had a man charge at me with a hunting knife, had a man swing a longneck beer bottle at my head out in a field at 0130 hrs., went toe-to-toe with three drunk loggers one night on a remote back road, had a poacher fire a 12 ga. inches from the back of my head on an undercover hunt.

4) Won a couple trophies in weightlifting a Police Olympic events.

5) Have been lucky to hunt big game and waterfowl across the US and Canada.
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