5 things about you.

1) I've been married twice as long as any of my parents marriages. 20 years.
2) Second grade i lived in Spain with my family for a year. I would watch bullfights for amusement.
3) Performed the Heimlich maneuver on Christmas night to save my father.
4) I've spent the last 30+ years building shelter for humans. Still framing at 59.
5) ah yes, the Old Faithful incident. Illegal, disrespectful , and utterly stupid, but I'm pretty certain in the history of mankind few have dared. That dude was a rascal back then. Hoping he has matured.
I was challenged to this by a long, Long term friend.
List 5 things you have done that your friends have probably not.
1) Flown a plane (Uncle Henry)
2) Published author in an international magazine
3) Jumped out of a Helicopter
4) Won medals in my States Olympics Games
5) Set a state Big Game record (not in the games)
Wow, some of you guys need to expand on these stories a bit.

-Held a state swimming record for several years.
-Fell through the ice on the Yellowstone River trying to retrieve a pheasant. Resurfaced 100+ yards down stream.
-Made 3k as a freshman in high school renting out a sex tape a fellow classmates mom had made.
-fired from a recycling job for secretly throwing away all the stuff that I was supposed to be recycling.
-hit 3 people with a train and have yet to kill someone.
#3 Do i want to send ya $50 to send me the video, or $50 not to ?
1. Shook hands with sitting President while marksman were on the rooftop and Secret Service behind me. Did not change his life but my nose itched and I dared not lift my hand.
2. Loaned a stapler to a billionaire. Did not change his life but he returned it a couple of hours later when the NBA Draft was done.
3. Headed on-site security for Metallica and a few dozen other musical acts at our arena. Did not change their life but they travel with a box of dirt from their country to step in as they go on stage.
4. Got Last Rites at 43. Changed my life as became more patient with people.
5. Spent 11 days in the wilderness alone including unexpectedly passing a kidney stone. Changed my life as realized I would transition from shoveling more money onto a pile and start to wind down my career while health is decent.
I should have listed this: I’ve met a lot of famous people.
Over 20 years ago I was peddling a gadget in Vegas at the huge Consumer Electronics trade show. A guy came over from Amazon and I gave the demo, chit chatted, filled out a lead sheet, onto the next. A week goes by and a girl in the office comes by with the lead sheet and says, “You did not talk to Jeff Bezos!” I said “Who the phuck is Jeff Bezos?l. She says, “well he was Time Man of the year last year.”
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I should have listed this: I’ve met a lot of famous people.
Over 20 years ago I was peddling a gadget in Vegas at the huge Consumer Electronics trade show. A guy came over from Amazon and I gave the demo, chit chatted, filled out a lead sheet, onto the next. A week goes by and a girl in the office comes by with the lead sheet and says, “You did not talk to Jeff Bezos!” I said “Who the phuck is Jeff Bezos?l. She says, “well he was Time Man of the year last year.”
Years ago I bumped in to Meg Ryan in the Safeway over in Livingston. She was wearing big dark glasses, but I could tell she was interested.😉
Years ago I bumped in to Meg Ryan in the Safeway over in Livingston. She was wearing big dark glasses, but I could tell she was interested.😉
Saw her downtown Bozeman one time years ago. Around 1990, Dennis Quaid bought me and a friend and both our dates shots of tequila at Chico. He was wasted and spilled one on my date. He was extra proud of his new Reebok “pump” shoes, and gave us a demo. About 7 years later my dog took off after him on the way out of 6-mile where I’d picked up a stack of nice elk antlers. He was jogging up the road.
Saw her downtown Bozeman one time years ago. Around 1990, Dennis Quaid bought me and a friend and both our dates shots of tequila at Chico. He was wasted and spilled one on my date. He was extra proud of his new Reebok “pump” shoes, and gave us a demo. About 7 years later my dog took off after him on the way out of 6-mile where I’d picked up a stack of nice elk antlers. He was jogging up the road.
Yeah, Quaid was out and about. Chico or Blue Goose. He was more engaging than some of the other local celebrities.
Turner and Fonda not so.
Philmont Scout Ranch trek age 12.

Graduate Montana State University, two degrees.

Flew Huey helicopters twenty yrs, wore Army uniform 33 yrs, with two tours Vietnam.

Bob Marshall trek with wife, 76 miles 76 years after her mother completed same route on horse 1941, through then "primitive" area.

Thorofare trek at age 76 with wife 80 miles 7 days, logged into the Thorofare Ranger Cabin journal, the holy grail of backpacking.
Yeah, Quaid was out and about. Chico or Blue Goose. He was more engaging than some of the other local celebrities.
Turner and Fonda not so.
Ted Turner used to walk or bike Gateway South Road past my house and on several occasions did engage briefly in a friendly chat, but he would turn around at our place so he did not have to enter Gateway and engage with the public.

Jane Fonda and her designer came into the office where I worked, as we were completing a fishing cottage building project for her and Ted. As a Vietnam vet it was difficult for me to be cordial with her, but before she left I actually felt sorry for her, as she seemed to be very awkward, even insecure, in conversing with down-to-earth everyday Montanans.
Philmont Scout Ranch trek age 12.

Graduate Montana State University, two degrees.

Flew Huey helicopters twenty yrs, wore Army uniform 33 yrs, with two tours Vietnam.

Bob Marshall trek with wife, 76 miles 76 years after her mother completed same route on horse 1941, through then "primitive" area.

Thorofare trek at age 76 with wife 80 miles 7 days, logged into the Thorofare Ranger Cabin journal, the holy grail of backpacking.
Like your priorities Straight Arrow moving forward, not backward. You are ready for the local challenge, Mt Cohen day hike.
int main() {
std::vector<std::vector<int>> list_of_lists;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
std::vector<int> new_list;
} return 0;
1. Shook hands with sitting President while marksman were on the rooftop and Secret Service behind me. Did not change his life but my nose itched and I dared not lift my hand.
2. Loaned a stapler to a billionaire. Did not change his life but he returned it a couple of hours later when the NBA Draft was done.
3. Headed on-site security for Metallica and a few dozen other musical acts at our arena. Did not change their life but they travel with a box of dirt from their country to step in as they go on stage.
4. Got Last Rites at 43. Changed my life as became more patient with people.
5. Spent 11 days in the wilderness alone including unexpectedly passing a kidney stone. Changed my life as realized I would transition from shoveling more money onto a pile and start to wind down my career while health is decent.
I am thinking this could very well be a simple thread that takes on a life of its own !!
Here are a few more.
Used to shoot ''paper'' with ANGEL RODREGES(spelling) Head of the PALACE GUARD SECURITY for CORIZONE AQUINO,of the PHILLIPONES....HE always had HIS personal bodyguard with him...go figure.
Went to Lake George /SARATOGA New York on our motorcycles as we did most weekends ,from Quebec.....called my mother from a motel-she worried about me riding ....asked if we were going to the concert ??What concert I asked....mother said, well its on the t.v., All the big singers are there. NAW says me, we don't do concerts.......So I missed WOODSTOCK !!!!
Saw the chain gangs in their stripes ,working the roadsback in 1969 in Georgia..
Boss told us to ''keep riding''.
Drove into the ocean by accident in JACKSONVILLE Florida at night........
sometimes things just happen.....
Read the book ''JAWS''
in the first few pages,iirc, it reads SHE (the shark) SWAM PAST THE MONTAUK BELL BOUY......
so I thought a road trip to LONG ISLAND would be fun as I was visiting friends near ALLENTOWN PA. anyhow......got to MONTAUK, long day eating seafood,as evening came,picked up a 6 pack of beer and walked out on the l o n g footpath atop the manmade rockpiles and sat down on a bench to watch the sun set.....guess the heat and beer put me to sleep.....woke up to a wind blowing,tide had come up and I could hear the MONTAUK BELLBOUY sounding...the one in the movie the girl swims to before she ''got ate''. that walk,back to my car,along that path was an adventure not to be repeated....I KNEW that at any moment,that shark was going to come for me,!!!!! Surprising how quiet and quickly a drunk fool can move when needed. Ya,I know, shake your head and smile, but it was a memory in the making....lol.
oh ya,and drove on the old NAZARETH Speedway in NAZARETH PA. Mario Andrette's home track.
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I was scraping & caulking a hull on a WWII subchaser my HS principal had bought on Terminal Island. John Wayne came down the gangway to the dock with a case of Coors and past me on the way to his boat being worked on in the marina. Baking hot ,bright sun.
15 min. later he came back with 2 cans and handed me one. Told me I did good work. Asked me about myself and if I wanted a job. I was speechless. I drained half the beer and said thank you, no. I'm heading to Navy Basic next week.
He nodded and walked off.
A few minutes later he came back with another beer and said," Good Luck to you son" and walked off.
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