5 things about you.

The West is great too, lots of great canoe routes.

Anyone who wants to be inspired about canoeing trips needs to look up the "Canadien Voyageurs" and Sir Alexander MacKenzie.
My next couple trips will likely be in NWT and Nunavut, but there are definitely some great trips in northern Saskatchewan as well.

That's a great read. If you liked that I'd highly recommend Caesars of the Wilderness.
MIDNR is not there to promote sportsmen opportunities based on their actions
Truer words could not be written regarding MIDNR. I've battered myself senseless against the wall of incompetence and cronyism in the Fisheries Division as I attempted to expand Darkhouse Angling opportunities.

Sorry for the diversion folks.
1. I was the 5th grade checker champion. My competition cried in defeat and he later became our valedictorian.
2. I married my high school sweetheart.
3. I was on the first flight out of SEATAC airport after 9/11.
4. I was on the hook for a couple launch sequence tasks that supported the Artemis 1 launch.
5. I caught a 52 pound blue catfish, shot a bull elk, and caught a 95 inch sailfish all in 2010.
In 1968 after Bobby & King were killed I asked Grandpa what was happening?
He said ," Honey-boy, you have to understand this country has always had 25% morons, complete idiots and 10% criminally insane. The choice is up to you."

1972 and the 1st day at basic the Chief said, " Some of you may never master a stir spoon. Some may become officers. Some may die for their country. You will become someone your country can be proud of. Or your out."

My 1st book from Grandpa was the collected works of Kipling. From Grandma a Petersons bird book.
From Mom it was a how too book. Dad's was a book on fishing.
I was 5. I could read when I was 4.

Life is what you make of it. Dying is easy. Takes a second. Make the most of what you have. Living can take you anywhere and last forever.
You are one very interesting person......one day I would like to just sit and talk about things that do matter.....sometimes I TAKE 5-10 MINUTES between questions-answers -statements........other times, I take an hour,just pondering...........sometimes I just enjoy quiet, a coffee and look out into the surrounding country..........
Not sure what kind of person I choose
to be. I LIKE some people, dislike many more.......Honest ...the kind of ''NUT'' who still trusts a persons handshake.
1. I blow things up, or prevent them to, for a living (actually in transit right now for the Middle East to go teach Explosives Safety);
2. Ridiculously good looking;
3. Probably the best hunter I know;
4. Smartest man alive; and
5. I tend to exagerate (except for #1).
Leave those 14 terrorists in SYRIA if you are headed that way.......the last 3 Turd-boy brought back cost $30,000,000 +. be safe!!
You are one very interesting person......one day I would like to just sit and talk about things that do matter.....sometimes I TAKE 5-10 MINUTES between questions-answers -statements........other times, I take an hour,just pondering...........sometimes I just enjoy quiet, a coffee and look out into the surrounding country..........
Not sure what kind of person I choose

to be. I LIKE some people, dislike many more.......Honest ...the kind of ''NUT'' who still trusts a persons handshake.
Everything matters, until it doesn't. That's the knife edge in life.

Living like nothing matters, until it does, does not get you anywhere, in time.

I dislike most people. I distrust many more. But a handshake can change everything.
Evrything I have done has been in Northern Ontario and Manitoba, but I l have looked seriously at the Vachon, starting at Pingualuit Crater. Might end up doing that one day. For now I am trying to plan a last trip or two that are accessible for my dad before it's an impossibility for him.
Moisie is a dream of mine.
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1. My dog and I are featured in a few Kelty ads, product photos
2. I've had 7 concussions, mostly hockey
3. Been charged by a bull I just castrated, miraculously finding the ability to jump a 6' fence before he slammed into it
4. I've been on a flight with Coolio (RIP) 3 times
5. I jumped a car, Dukes of Hazzard style in my teens over a culvert in Missouri, completely on accident and everything was fine. Mostly fine. Except for the suspension.

View attachment 261709View attachment 261708
I also jumped a car over a culvert in Missouri...Sedalia, MO to be exact. Nose dived into the far bank though.
Got to go on a once in a lifetime hunt for an Arctic Grizzly bear in 2019 and got a beautiful old boar.

Was ranked #2 in the Western United States as an amateur boxer for a couple years and got the honor to share the ring with 3 Olympians, 2 who later became world champions as professionals. Carmen Rinke - Canada (1976 Olympian) Johnny Bumphus - U.S. (1980 Olympian U.S. boycotted) - Virgil Hill - U.S. (1984 Olympian) - (I had 178 total amateur bouts.)

Was so blessed to have family & especially my father get me involved in hunting, fishing, and trapping starting at about the age of 4. This resulted in a lifetime of fun and adventure in the outdoors. He was also the person to get me interested in boxing because he wanted to do it so badly as a youngster but there were no clubs where he grew up at the time.

Was fortunate to have a career that was extremely difficult and challenging yet allowed me innumerable opportunities to help people over 33 years of service as a Deputy Sheriff.

Married to a wonderful woman for almost 30 years now.
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Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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