Kenetrek Boots

5 things about you.

1)Expelled from two schools 8th and 12th grades.

2) My middle school friend and football teammate was murdered by the Concord CA Police Dept.

3) My first and only black bear is unofficial BnC at 19 4/8”

4) I can do (multiple) grinds on a stair handrail on a skateboard.

5) I was arrested and charged with 39 felony counts of a crime. I beat it- Scott free. Kiss my ass California……
Alright I've thought about it long enough to come up with a few for my lame life since we're comparing this to my friends

1-slept with pretty much all my high school buddies sisters (nothing to be proud of wouldn't recommend)
2-had an Angus bull go ape shit on the ground blind I was sitting in
3-married my high school girlfriend (there was a 10 year hiatus of stupidity in there)
4-bought my first house when I was 19
5-quit a job with a months vacation and top seniority spot only to make less per year with no vacation because there's only so much of a douchebag boss one can take.
I get it !! I'm soooo D@mn close to #5 right now and the D'bag is trying to fault me for taking him to task for his inability to correct my paycheck after 3 weeks.
1-was a blacksmith for couple years back in early 70's when economy crapped when I had an Environmental degree. Yeah an Environmental degree back then most people could not spell environment. Rode rodeo, could not get me be drunk enough to get on bull. But did have saddle bronc go straight up and nose dive into ground rolling over me. Just pissed me off, lucky nothing broken! I still look at horse's hoof to see the work!

2- been to 33 countries doing environmental work once my career got back on track. Prob flown over 1.4M miles. No interest to ever get on commercial ever again. Oh yeah, detained in Budapest airport mistaken identity by the military police, took to basement of airport and questioned. Guarded by squad in full combat gear. Ahh fun times. Took a while to straighten out but once it was established I was not him, handed passport back and said "we do hope you enjoyed your stay here in Budapest!". I could not get that damn movie Midnight Express out of mind the whole time thinking I am the damn sequel! I could not wait to get on flight to Amsterdam!

3-wrote a computer program in HP Basic in 1983 on one first HP "computer" to calculate stack sampling results for compliance testing. Never had computer training. The "monitor" was one line scrolling window which was SOB to watch to verify code that consisted of all sorts of characters that represented the engineering calculations you wrote. If anybody asked you a question when code was scrolling, easy to miss a character of the calculation. It was so slow to repeat, you wanted to strangle anybody who interrupted your program character calculation review. It would perform the calculations in about an hour that normally took a day. You had to write code to have anything calculated which now is on your phone.

4-met my wife in blind date, married 42 years and counting. Wonderful son married and 2 beautiful granddaughters. Everything else pales in comparison to this "life achievement".

5-authored Michigan straight wall rifle rule in May 2009. Presented to my Representative Matt Lori who liked the concept and brought it to legislature. Took 5 years to get it to NRC. Many folks claim same but my name and Matt Lori are the only names on all the committee meetings to discuss the proposed rule since I was author of it. It has spawned similar rules in quite a few other states. Have provided documentation to state groups trying for same. Let the bitching begin how stupid the rule is without knowing anything about MIDNR politics. Cool result is new cartridges that are now available for this.
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5-authored Michigan straight wall rifle rule in May 2009. Presented to my Representative Matt Lori who liked the concept and brought it to legislature. Took 5 years to get it to NRC. Many folks claim same but my name and Matt Lori are the only names on all the committee meetings to discuss the proposed rule since I was author of it. It has spawned similar rules in quite a few other states. Have provided documentation to state groups trying for same. Let the bitching begin how stupid the rule is without knowing anything about MIDNR politics. Cool result is new cartridges that are now available for this.
So I have you to thank for crushing my dream of hunting down here with the lever 45-70 that I was saving up for. I still don’t own one, serves no purpose down here. Really want one of those, just can’t justify it with the rules in place.
So I have you to thank for crushing my dream of hunting down here with the lever 45-70 that I was saving up for. I still don’t own one, serves no purpose down here. Really want one of those, just can’t justify it with the rules in place.
As do I. The current rule could only passed because it just allowed in rifle configuration that was allowed in handgun for deer hunting. Even then, MIDNR fought it tooth and nail for 5 years. If there were any additions to the cartridge description, it would have failed. A lot of political tactical strategy was discussed in what could or could not pass. You truly cannot believe the political side of MIDNR fighting against "any rifles" in shotgun zone. Ballistics are meaningless since MIDNR is incredibly incompetent in them. We could down pitchers of beer discussing this mind numbing level of incompetence. Heck, their top CO recommended using one Pyrodex pellet to hunt deer with to reduce recoil for youth hunters, women or elderly. Not too happy I had letter from Hodgdon stating they do not recommend one pellet for deer due to lack of energy etc. but did suggest one pellet for target and muzzleloader training. MIDNR is not there to promote sportsmen opportunities based on their actions.
1)Expelled from two schools 8th and 12th grades.

2) My middle school friend and football teammate was murdered by the Concord CA Police Dept.

3) My first and only black bear is unofficial BnC at 19 4/8”

4) I can do (multiple) grinds on a stair handrail on a skateboard.

5) I was arrested and charged with 39 felony counts of a crime. I beat it- Scott free. Kiss my ass California……
As an engineer, 4/8 is absolutely killing me right now.
2) did meth only once

While I've never done meth, I've done a lot of stupid sh*t. Had a buddy who'd manage to randomly fit in an unrelated convo that he used to do lots of meth when he worked on rigs... I think he just wanted to get it off his chest! Haha

Most of the f'ed up stuff I've done will stay off of social media and is told over drinks alone or in the middle of a desert on deployment. I say yes to everything and will try something at least one, except drugs since my job depends on it.

TBH, I don't regret much of what I've done and I've lived quite a lot for a dude in his mid-30s. Man, I've done a lot of f'ed up shyt!!! :ROFLMAO:
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Alright, sitting at the airport waiting to jump on a flight across the ocean for the Middle East, here's my PG top 5:

1. I've actually been to Timbuktu;
2. I've gotten lost, drunk, in Eastern Europe several times and somehow always made it back to my room with all my organs and wallet;
3. I've been on a "night on the town" in a terrorist heaven in Africa (somehow didn't make it on Al Jazeera);
4. I've been to two wars; and
5. I'm that white guy who wears Hawaiian shirts everywhere I go.
1. Saved a kid from the river that fell in the river on the down river side of a hydro electric dam when I was a teenager.

2. Saved another that fell in fast moving water 1/2 mile up river from said dam.

3. Unknowingly kept someone from ending their life because I always answered the phone and they needed a talk. Found out years later from a friend.

4. DIY an elk hunt and was successful. (Luck)

5. Chased down a shoplifter.

6. Been in multiple high speed car chases just out of high school.
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Trip of a lifetime. I was gonna do something similar after high school and never did. I wish I had, the Army could have waited a year.
My dad did the trip with me at the age of 74, obviously I don't know your life and situation but it's doable for anyone with the right people and planning. There's also a ton of incredible northern river trips that are far less logistically complex and challenging than that one was.
My dad did the trip with me at the age of 74, obviously I don't know your life and situation but it's doable for anyone with the right people and planning. There's also a ton of incredible northern river trips that are far less logistically complex and challenging than that one was.
Some great trips in Eastern Canada, especially Quebec and Nfld.
Some great trips in Eastern Canada, especially Quebec and Nfld.
Evrything I have done has been in Northern Ontario and Manitoba, but I l have looked seriously at the Vachon, starting at Pingualuit Crater. Might end up doing that one day. For now I am trying to plan a last trip or two that are accessible for my dad before it's an impossibility for him.

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