Kenetrek Boots


I have to throw this little story out here. My mother was a British citizen that immigrated to the US after she married my Dad at the end of WWll. She landed at Ellis Island and became a US citizen but that's another story. My Mom and Dad would have little domestic squabbles time to time. My Dad would always end the argument with "remember who won the war". It took me years to figure it out.
In 2009, I worked with an exclusive business that had a friend who got sent to Afghanistan on several assignments. We would send them treats and energy drinks to help the morale of those soldiers in the hot deserts of Afghanistan.

Sometime later, the Guard Unit Dan was with, sent back the American flag and the Montana state flag that they flew over their compound, with thanks for out generosity. I was gifted both flags and letters from the 95th troop command from Montana. I have kept the flags and letters with honor and am humbled every time I see it or any other American flag flying and representing all that was paid for in all the years since we gained our independence.

I am constantly reminded of all the blessings we have in America and I am so thankful to live in America and the state of Montana…

Flag flying. Rio snoozing. Burgers and corn on the smoker. Too warm for baking a pie now.
Talked to lil sis and we traded memories.
The ex called to check on me and wish me a good one. She knows this day means something to me. She thanked me for telling her she had to get the divorce final and she had to finally become a US citizen. She's still a feisty Limey at heart, but her heart is also here in the USA.
Took ML and our horses, JR and Bob to the beach that is about 25 minutes from my house. As far as i know it was the first ride at the beach for all three of them.

Met up with 5 ladies I've known off and on throughout the years. ML was particularly interested in the nature of my past relationship, and I assured her it was platonic...


