4831 vs 4831sc

Should be the same, but I always start with a reduced load when switching powder lots. Started this after I made a lot switch and my same load was running hotter and caused sticky bolt.
Hodgdon has, many many times, over the years completely changed powders, and put them in the same can with the same label as before the change. Many times. What they do is viable. They just make sure that whatever they do, it’s within plus or minus 5% of the specified burn ran and energy demsity

They even once told a benchrest shooter that if he supplied them enough 8208 that they could duplicate it for him, but he would have to foot the bill for most or all of the lot. They took his powder, and his money. The then shipped him a bunch of powder they had almost completed development of before he even contacted them about duplicating 8208. They labeled it 8208XBR and basically said “this isn’t what you asked us for, but this powder is better anyway”. They are sketchy.

After they bought IMR they replaced IMR4198 with H4198 and tumbled it in graphite so that it would still be grey like the IMR4198 that DuPont made...it ain’t the same stuff, but the label says “IMR4198”.

Ever wonder if we’re all drinking the new coke, but the label just says “classic”?

If I'm not mistaken there was different lots of old surplus IMR-8208? Hodgdon couldn't duplicate old surplus H-4831 same with different lots of IMR-8208 surplus. If they didn't compare 8208 XBR to N-133 in that test. I'm not sure why someone who footed bill didn't have something in writing that he get refund if they didn't make that same powder???
If I'm not mistaken there was different lots of old surplus IMR-8208? Hodgdon couldn't duplicate old surplus H-4831 same with different lots of IMR-8208 surplus. If they didn't compare 8208 XBR to N-133 in that test. I'm not sure why someone who footed bill didn't have something in writing that he get refund if they didn't make that same powder???
I don’t know why he wasn’t more upset...perhaps he liked the new powder as much as Hodgdon did.

Hodgdon never managed to duplicate H205 either. They have a track record of big talk, sketchy business practices, and have just about become a monopoly.

I’m actually blown away that they have the guts to be selling powder on their website when most of their wholesale customers are out of stock.
I don’t know why he wasn’t more upset...perhaps he liked the new powder as much as Hodgdon did.

Hodgdon never managed to duplicate H205 either. They have a track record of big talk, sketchy business practices, and have just about become a monopoly.

I’m actually blown away that they have the guts to be selling powder on their website when most of their wholesale customers are out of stock.
Jackie Schmidt did pretty good test on new IMR-8208 XBR on Benchrest site using couple of his rifles? Did you test it? I never did as I was shooting surplus 8208 back then. I quit BR but still shoot tight neck 6ppc, great PD rifle.
Jackie Schmidt did pretty good test on new IMR-8208 XBR on Benchrest site using couple of his rifles? Did you test it? I never did as I was shooting surplus 8208 back then. I quit BR but still shoot tight neck 6ppc, great PD rifle.
I shot a little in a 6BR behind 66gr Barts. It worked well enough. Probably a little better suited to a PPC. I always intended to try it in a .222, but I can’t stop shooting IMR4895. Against the conventional wisdom, I never chased velocity in a .222.

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