.45cal vs .50cal questions for 1st muzzy

update: thanks again everyone for input.
i ended up going with .50cal Accura LR-X

next question: since i am 100% new to this.
what other accessories will i absolutely need?
so far with rifle i ordered:
- bullet starter
- bullet puller
- field cleaning kit (from CVA/BPI) + breech plug cleaners.

also ordered -Blackhorn209 (3 bottles) and have a friend who will give me 209primers.

only thing i did not order are bullets yet.
here's what i'd like to try. *i'd like to try and stick with solid copper if possible.
-Thor Lightning 250 & 300 gr (may try sizing kit to see if Hammer option will be better?)
-Hornady FTX Bore Driver (only non-copper i want to try)
-Federal Trophy Copper .5co cal **seems to be Out of stock everywhere.
-PowerBelts? any feedback on these?

I think you won’t need a bullet puller since you can “unload” it by removing the breech, but I’ll let the experts confirm or deny that. I’ve done it that way and haven’t had any issues.

I had purchased two speed loaders. I wanted more so I bought 4 more.

Flask for the powder is a must. Unless you switch to pellets.

I use a copper measuring tool for loose powder. To each their own I guess. I’ve heard to actually use a scale but I found a way that groups bullets well for me.

Possibles pouch is also handy.

I also have a silicone holder for the primers. Thompson makes a 3x3 one that’s pretty cool to have. It’ll be useful for hunting so you don’t have to carry a full thing of primers in the field.

And a variety of jags for all the different bullets. I found that one jag would stick to a bullet and actually unseat it from the powder. Needless to say not good

For bullet, I bought hornady sabots and they’re pretty good (I know sabots aren’t legal in CO). I’ve been using cheap shots from Thompson just to learn on though. $13 for 20 bullets is easy money to drop. I have powerbelts but haven’t shot them yet.

Bore butter to help season the barrel after you shoot it is good to have as well.

That’s all I’ve been using. Like you, I’m new to this but I’ve been at it for a month. This is what I’ve learned so far. Hope this helps.
o thanks, didnt think about being about to "unload" fromt eh breech, but at $2 it was the cheapest add on, i was just in that mode: what other little things can i add to the cart :)

excited to try it al out once i get it.

i am actually thinking of using digital scale and getting a 20 pack of those powder tubes and just exactly pre-measuring them every time before heading to the range or hunting. thinking if i keep it identical by weight via digital scale it'll be easiest to keep it consistent in field?
o thanks, didnt think about being about to "unload" fromt eh breech, but at $2 it was the cheapest add on, i was just in that mode: what other little things can i add to the cart :)

excited to try it al out once i get it.

i am actually thinking of using digital scale and getting a 20 pack of those powder tubes and just exactly pre-measuring them every time before heading to the range or hunting. thinking if i keep it identical by weight via digital scale it'll be easiest to keep it consistent in field?
I’m not sure the bullet starter would tap into copper well enough. I dunno, try it and see what works best. I might be doing it wrong too :p

That’s what my thought process is. So far with my copper powder measure, it’s proven successful. Like I said, to each their own. I think you just find a system that works and won’t be too much/little for the gun and you’re good to go.
BrokenChicken I see you mentioned Montana in the states you might do a muzzle loader hunt. If you plan to hunt during the regular rifle season your set up is legal. But if you chose to hunt the muzzle loader season your set up is not legal, neither are sabots or copper bullets. Just an FYI.

Good luck,
Smart move with the .50, BrokenChicken- CVA Accura is a sweet muzzleloader!

Did your’s come with a Blackhorn209 breach plug? If not, I recommend you pick up one of those, along with some sort of tool to keep the flash channel open (small drill, tip cleaner etc).

I always go with 209M primers (super difficult to find right now), not sure if the regular 209s will be an issue or not for you- most guys that use them don’t seem to have problems with the regular ones so who knows.

I love the Federal BorLocks, but I can’t find them anywhere either. 100gr of Blackhorn 209 (by volume) and the 290 BoreLock is a good combo. If I was you I would try a pack of the Hornaday Bore Drivers and see if they shoot- I see those all over. Skip the Powerbelts unless you need to use lead somewhere, and even then probably better options out there.

One other thing you’ll need is some sort of cleaning kit- CVA makes various products for this as well. I go with the foaming bore cleaner, then solvent patches, then dry patch or two, then an oil patch or two (the solvent and oil patches come in a pre-soaked jar). I do this every time I shoot, it’s more important to keep clean than a regular rifle imo.

Might want to pick up a one piece cleaning rod with the brass cleaning jag if you don’t have one. I think the new Acccuras come with a take-down ramrod, not sure I’d want to use that for cleaning and this way you’d have a backup in case you break or misplace the one it came with.
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Thanks. I did end up getting everything I could possibly need for 2023 season. I ended up putting Ace in the Hole from Williams with piccatiny rail and put a scope on it. Scope will be for load development and for states that allow them. But easy enough to pop scope off and use open sights here in CO
I have yet to be able to get out and test. Schedule is just crazy busy.
I have 3 bottles of BH209. 209M or 209A from federal/cci were only things i could not get. So stocked up on Chekadee or something in pink box. Got Thor, Hornady and Powerbelt bullets that i will test.


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My Colorado legal gun is a .54 for elk.

I shoot a .45 anywhere I can.
You can generate more velocity in a smaller tube.

If you’re a one rifle guy, I guess you can be a one muzzleloader guy.

I can’t.

What’s the fun of having just one?

My biggest deer have fallen to a .45

When I want to knock something down I shoot my .54 or my 10 gauge!

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