Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

410 TSS

It took me some experimenting to find a combination I like.
Rossi Tuffy Turkey 410
Jebs X-Full choke
Apex Ammunition Turkey Ninja TSS
This target was at 35 yards
(Scope adjusted to the right afterwards)
Another vote for #9.5’s in the 410. It’s the best compromise of pattern density and penetration. 45 yards is a good stake in the ground for #9.5’s. #9’s will kill one at 60 but you’d run out of pattern before then with a 410. #7 TSS is wayyyyy overkill. You could just body shoot turkeys at 100 yards with #7 TSS.

Given the same muzzle velocity, a #9.5 TSS has the same penetration as a lead #5 at 40 yards. Killing turkeys is more about penetrating and disrupting the brain or spine than it is energy.

I handload essentially the same load as Apex and it puts 220 pellets in 10” at 40 yards.
My boy has taken several birds with Federal TSS 9’s out of his 410. Closest was 35 yds. Furthest was over 50 yds. I did have to stand on that one’s neck for just a bit, but he wasn’t getting back up.
Rossi Tuffy Turkey 410
Exact gun I got my son.

Appreciate the advice so far guys. How's the recoil in those lighter guns with TSS especially on kids? I know it kicks like hell in my 12 gauge. Thinking of just having him practice with high brass #6 then swapping out for tss during hunting. I'll pattern the gun myself just don't want him developing a flinch plus $$$. Good to hear about the range I think we are going to limit his shots to under 40 yards so sounds like range won't be a problem.
I can't say what the felt recoil will be for a youth, but I found it minimal.

I used #6 lead to get the pattern close to where I wanted it then finished to confirm with the Apex to save on money also.
Had my boy practicing with 8’s. The first TSS he ever shot was at a nice Tom. He never noticed the difference in the moment.

To me, the recoil is incredibly low but I’ve always approached recoil with my kids very cautiously. I don’t want to create bad habits. That said, my 9yo has been shooting a 20ga and 7mmHT for over a year. I personally credit the baby steps we took with recoil early on.
I wouldn’t be afraid of the recoil at all. I’ve got the same gun. I’ve killed a handful of birds with the Federal #9s. Killed furthest at 35.
As always, pattern for yourself, but the Federal 9s in my gun shot far better with an aftermarket Carlson’s choke tube.
I have used #9.5 Apex mainly and it works great. Pattern opens up on my gun a bit fast and it’s fixed so 35 is my max. My Yildiz is sub 4lbs so it’s a joy to carry, but does kick.

You will likely have some stray pellets and #9.5 are tiny. Check your meat very carefully as tss will easily chip or crack a tooth!
I hand load TSS for waterfowl and turkeys. For turkey I load #9's in 20 gauge and #10 for the .410. My son has killed several toms with the .410 since 8 years old, he's now 12. I have recently been grabbing the .410 for myself because it's just so fun to me. Lightweight and very little recoil. Last year my son killed a tom at 49 yards with .410, I did step on head to finish.
20 gauge 10" circle at 40 yards=326 pellet count.
.410 10" circle @40 yards=193 pellet count.
.410 10" circle @50 yards=114 pellet count.
I have used #9.5 Apex mainly and it works great. Pattern opens up on my gun a bit fast and it’s fixed so 35 is my max. My Yildiz is sub 4lbs so it’s a joy to carry, but does kick.

You will likely have some stray pellets and #9.5 are tiny. Check your meat very carefully as tss will easily chip or crack a tooth!
I don’t think I’ll ever get past this.
Does anyone have pictures of their TSS group at say 10-20 yards? I usually have no problem calling birds that close and I am worried about my pattern being to tight at close range.
Does anyone have pictures of their TSS group at say 10-20 yards? I usually have no problem calling birds that close and I am worried about my pattern being to tight at close range.
I've not taken a picture of 20 yard targets, but its more or less a ragged hole about fist size. You'll certainly want to know point of impact for that range or closer otherwise it'll be a miss.
I don’t have a pic either, but birdbander described that pretty accurately. I took a tom at 10 yards and it severed the head. Probably about a racquetball at that range.

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