Caribou Gear Tarp

4 year olds with guns

Eric, get them a car, a six pac, and a load of condums too. Or better yet, forget the condums. They'll make you proud. Did you call law enforcement? Jim Kropp 444-5657 and Mike Korn 444-2456 Get info first before pontificating.
Eric, you are right. I would oppose a bill doing away with outfitting. It is a valuable service industry that I support. Is MOGA representing outfitters? Folks in my neighborhood don't think so. I'll support public land outfitters all day. They aren't trying to take anything away from rsidents. I refuse to support MOGA/SFW in their efforts to promote ranching for wildlife in E. Montana. I resent them getting in bed with Wilk bros. and their paid politicians. And I resent them not working with Montana's HS instructors and trying to ram this bill up their backside. I also resent them only showing up on issues with their hand out. Need any examples? I can fill pages.
Eric, get them a car, a six pac, and a load of condums too. Or better yet, forget the condums. They'll make you proud. Did you call law enforcement? Jim Kropp 444-5657 and Mike Korn 444-2456 Get info first before pontificating.

Pierre did you know that age restrictions on drivers are based on FACTS it has been proven that under a certain age young drivers are in FACT more dangerous to the public at large.Do you have any FACTS that prove that mentored youth hunters are?

Did you know that the National drinking laws state very plainly that you can allow YOUR kid to drink in YOUR presence at any age YOU choose? You are not allowed to get them blind drunk but YOU can lawfully give YOUR kid a drink at whatever age YOU choose.

As to the load of condoms.................not going there.

As far as law enforcement is concerned, Have you reached out to any agency that has actually dealt with youth mentoring programs or just ones that are guessing at what could happen.
This has nothing to do w/ "potential clients"... that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard anyone say...hands down.
Why? Aren't there potential clients that haven't taken hunters safety? Aren't there potential clients in foreign countries that haven't taken the class.

With the new found wealth in other countries there's a larger market opening up to outfitters. This bill makes it easier for those foreigners to come and hunt in Montana.


If one clients comes and hunts with a guide that doesn't have to take HS, it's a self serving bill.

If MOGA ever once stood up for the resource I would think so poorly of them.

Can you show me where they where they did something for the resource over the loss of their pocket book.
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18 pages now, seriously? If somebody is not smart/mature enough to pass a hunter education test, they shouldn't be allowed to shoot big game in MT. If a 6 year old can do it, give them a gun and a tag. This whole "apprentice certificate" idea is a bunch of crap.
Actually some of your statements I knew and some I didn't.
I did not make a snap judgement. I first talked to our local HS instructors and the Junior High counselors. All said the same thing. 12 is a logical line. One commented that he had taught for over 30 years and noticed today's kids have a harder time passing than they did long ago. Another mentioned that if a kid flunked, they rarely come back. He equated lower ages with a harder time passing and a fear we'd lose more kids.
I attend many sportsmen meetings and brought it up. HS instructors were unanimous in their opposition. That tells me something.
I then went to FWP law enforcement and got info and their survey.
If that isn't enough, we'll have to agree to disagree.
Topgun since you can't see the difference in shooting a hog and shooting an elk I am glad you are not a resident of Montana.

***Can't you ever post anything other than stupid comments like that because I can sure tell which end of the horse you are and it ain't the part that eats!!!
Most feel hogs are big game and I really fail to see the difference if she was set up that way what difference it would have been if a deer, elk, or exotic had walked in and she couldn't shoot just because it was a different specie. Thanks for the healthy debate and I'm outta here!

Just sayin
"Just sayin"

What, LOL?!!! PS: If you're going to quote someone, please use the whole quote so it's not taken out of context. You even took the s off species that was in my post in your attempt at that quote.
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Well said, Pierre. The emphasis of this bill does seem to be in putting a large caliber firearm in the hands of a child to kill wildlife at a much younger age. It ignores hunter education, the North American Wildlife Conservation Model so critical to our wildlife legacy, gun safety, and so much more of importance to hunting. Strangely, it seems to imply that a parent cannot include younger children in the experience of hunting now and that this will suddenly increase the interest.

It smacks of the essence of just another feel-good legislation to satisfy someone's wants and desires, without considering the responsibilities inherent in allowing the privileges, merely as one proponent posted here, "Because that's what some children actually DO want to be doing." If a parent or grandparent allowed children to do what they want without the requisite and proper education, training, safety emphasis, and limits then the risk of mistakes increases. Some contend that this bill will lead to more firearm accidents. I hope not, but it's a reasonable prediction.

Straight Arrow... If you are going to quote something I said it would be nice if you would include the entire context. My statement "it is what some children actually DO want to be doing" was in response to your post that basically stated the motive behind pushing this bill was for the parents, and how parents want to live vicariously through their kids or get to be bigger "buddies" with them. That is an opinion of yours, which I feel is not fair to A LOT of parents like Gerald Martin. You aren't giving credit to the passion and drive a lot of kids have for OUR sport. I am not pushing for kids to get whatever they want. Like I stated, I am OPPOSED to the bill as it is written. I SUPPORT kids having to pass a hunters education course prior to hunting, with a mentor or without one. I also agreed with you that I don't know that passing a bill like this would actually increase the number of youth involved with the sport. However, I don't like to see the government telling people that 12 is the magic number you are ready to hunt at. Many children under 12 can learn to safely handle and operate firearms. It is not driving a car, voting, having sex, or any of the other silly comparisons people are making here. I respect your opinions on the matter, but would appreciate if you would not take portions of my statements and use them to support your arguments, without including the whole perspective.
I have a question. I'm 59, and will be 60 in September. I've been hunting since I was 8. I do not have a Hunter Safety Certificate, because of my age and SC doesn't require it for anyone born prior to June of 1979. Can I legally hunt in Montana?????? Does having a HS certificate really make someone a safer more competent hunter??
Can I legally hunt in Montana?
Yes, but a hunter in Montana born after January 1, 1985, is required to show proof of having completed a hunter safety and education course.

Does having a HS certificate really make someone a safer more competent hunter?
Yes, in my opinion. Also having hunted since a child, I went through Montana Hunters Safety and Education with my son and later with my daughter, then went through the Bowhunter Education course with my son. I learned a great deal and can assure you that my hunting skills, knowledge, and safety practices significantly improved as a result. I encourage you to attend at least a class or two in your area. You will be surprised at what you will learn and what will be of interest to you.
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If you are 60, and want to go to MT, get with the times and take the friggin course?
It should be illegal in any state, if it is not, imo.
And of course, any kind of training makes you better. And a course that makes us safer = no brainer. More competent?, no. Great question.
You can take the course online in about 3 hours. Don't let it stop you from coming. It will be a review for you I'm sure but you may learn something.
Ron---Taking/passing a HE Course would not be required for you to hunt out in Montana because you were born well before the age requirement takes effect:

To purchase a Montana hunting license, any person born after January 1, 1985 must show a certificate of completing a hunter education course issued by:
•any other state, or
•any Canadian province.

This law became effective October 1, 2003 (MCA 87-2-105). Hunter education is NOT required if you were born on or prior to January 1, 1985.
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I'm not planning on going to Montana to hunt (although considering I was born at Great Falls AFB, I'd like to at least visit), since there's no way I could afford it. I was just wondering about the requirements. I know that Colorado requires a HS certificate for all non-residents, so it made me wonder about Montana.

I have completed the on line course for SC, even though it isn't required, I still would have to actually pass a certification quiz in person if I want the actual certificate. I keep trying to win one of Buckmaster's hunt giveaways, so I thought I'd be prepared just in case everyone else who is entered died and I was the only one left in the contest.
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