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375 h&h


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2010
So sitting here bored cause weather is keeping me from bear hunting till tomorrow i thought i would praise a new cartridge for me. This winter i found a used Weatherby mark v stainless in 375 h&h, which i have been looking for for years since they havent made them in sometime. I have a back and neck injury(limis #shots in day) so a muzzle brake was a plus but not deciding factor. One problem this winter i also built a gun/reloading room and realized how many big game rifles i currently have with wooden stocks...zero! So i vowed next batch of rifles would have to be on wood. Having always loved wood&stanless rifles i found a cheap but pretty sporter stock on GB and built my stainless masterpiece up, bedded, mounted 2.5-10 viper hs, did load development with hornady 270 interlocks (cheap good bullet) and got her under 3/4" at 100. I want 260 ABs but they are being run at nosler right now as per them and cant find them anywhere so they will be my choice hunt bullet by fall. I figured out bullet drop is basically same a 06 with 180s! Living and hunting in griz country(see couple everyday i am in woods) and hopeful to get a tag one day i figured it might just be perfect elk/all around BIG game caliber. So far competely impresssd! recoil with bake is less than my 06, super easy to reload and accurate. While i have not shot anything i cant imagin it aint going to work looking at those pills. So until tomorrow when she goes bear hunting tell me who else likes the 375?

A good friend of mine uses a blued version of that gun. He has taken Brown bear with it in Alaska. The .375 H&H is a great round. That or a .375 Ruger have been on my list of guns to add to my collection.
don't know much about the 375 H&H, but that rifle is gorgeous! Good luck with it!
That's a beautiful gun, I really like the wood with stainless.

I've got a middle aged m70, made in 1959. Still sports a weaver peep sight, and the wooden stock has seen some time in the field. It was my fathers, and I carry it for spring bears, thinking all the time I really don't want to shoot one, but if it's close enough to me, a road, and big enough, I might notch a tag. I figure if it's that close, I want to make a big hole. I've been shooting it with barnes ttsx, and they've been accurate enough. I think there are pictures on here somewhere.
That is one beautiful stock! One ugly barreled action! Please excuse me, I've got a thing about plastic stock's and stainless metal!
Beautiful rifle! I just picked up a Winchester model 70 in 375 H&H, no brake and the recoil isn't bad, but definitely a step up from my 260 Rem. I'm working up a load using 300 gr Swift A-Frames.
I've got an Interarms Whitworth Express in .375 H&H. My absolute favorite rifle. It's not pretty at all; it's got a bead blast finish and an ugly plastic stock, but, .375. The recoil isn't bad, but I imagine some folks wouldn't like it. I'd love to have a Safari Grade Model 70 in French Walnut, but I can't afford that. I didn't carry it elk hunting last year because I couldn't afford factory ammo at three bucks a round. This year I should have my reloading bench set up so it'll be good to go.
Admire the rifle and anyone that is smart enough to pick one up. Good luck with the bear hunting. You have the rifle for it.
I had a M70 Super Express in 375 for a number of years. Hunted it in Africa a couple times and shot a few animals here and there with it here. Nice rifle but heavy. Sold it a number of years ago.

Last spring I put together a more "utilitarian" hunting rifle. I had a doner M700 action, and picked up a take off ss barrel and a Brown stock, hacked barrel at 19" and put it together. Still need to get it coated, but for now Kylon is fine. Scoped its about 7.5lbs and shoots 300gr partitions quite well. Recoil is very manageable. IMO 375s don't kick that bad, more of a push, than the sharp recoil of the fast mags.

One day I'll build a 416 Taylor just for fun, but for now the 375 is all I'll ever need.
I totally agree with Bambistew on the recoil...

I have two 375 H&H, both are blued with wood. One is a Sako L61R and the other is Remington 700 Custom Shop Heavy Barrel. The Remington is heavy 10+ pounds without bullets in it, the Sako is much lighter. Shooting these H&H's is similar to shooting an old black powder (more of a push than a kick) and our sons liked touching them off any chance they could when they were teenagers (probably more for bragging rights than anything). I haven't had an animal take another step after hitting it, they would be great bear guns if you can handle the extra weight.
That is a beautiful rifle. I personally would love to have a Ruger No. 1 in .375 H&H. That would be one great rifle to carry in the mountains for elk. Add a 1-6 or similar scope... my brain is spending money so I'll end it with saying again... that is one beaut of a rifle.
I got a 375 rum with a 28 inch hart barrel with 92 grains of imr4350 and a 260 accubond i get 3100 fps its a awesome round shoots as flat as a 270 win and hits like a 416 u cant heat that
ccc23454, That is a nice looking 375. My dad had a Remington 700 375 H&H (plastic/stainless). He missed a five point bull with it and I missed a nice whitetail. I wound up with it after he passed away. I have been toying with the idea of putting an HS Precision stock on it but a grey laminated stock might be something for me to consider. One of these days, I am going to have to actually get something with it.
I do not own one but a very close buddy has a CZ 550 ( I think) in 375 Ruger and my son has a CZ 550 in 375 H&H Both are about equal .
May be the performance edge to the Ruger. They make a great Elk/Bear gun and both have killed many of each with them, for a Large caliber there both very accurate. One day when I get rich I'll have a CZ in 416 Ruger which is the 375 necked up.
I do not own one but a very close buddy has a CZ 550 ( I think) in 375 Ruger and my son has a CZ 550 in 375 H&H Both are about equal .
May be the performance edge to the Ruger. They make a great Elk/Bear gun and both have killed many of each with them, for a Large caliber there both very accurate. One day when I get rich I'll have a CZ in 416 Ruger which is the 375 necked up.

i have both a 416 and 375 ruger, in the ruger afican but with mcmillan stocks on them as the 375 started to split the factory wood around the tang and i just went ahead and did the 416 when i got it. . the 375 is fun to shoot but that 416 is a handfull with big bullets and full power loads. love the non belted case over the H&H.
Really like the look of that rifle. I had a 700 in 375 H&H with a light wood stock that I bought off of gunbroker, the original owner sold it because it kicked like a mule but the rifle shot well enough. I decided if the chance to go to Africa came along I'd rather take a different gun and since I have a 300 Weatherby for elk it never got any use so I sold it on gunbroker. Not before my nieces husband decided he wanted to try it out - the little half moon scar over his eye is a reminder of just how much the darn thing kicked.