I've decided this year I'd like to kill a 350" bull, net of course. Preferable with my bow.
I do not have a spot that I see 350" bulls in regularly, so was hoping I could consult my online brethren on a place where I could do this.
I am not a very good caller, or much of a shot with my bow, so I'd need a spot where I can count on getting on multiple bulls of this caliber in a weekend (no time off, sorry).
I really dislike seeing other hunters while out, so I'd prefer private land or getting access through private for land locked public. I also don't find much fun in hauling meat, so vehicle animal retrieval factors in.
If you have a spot like this, please PM me directions from Missoula, and a list of dates you plan on hunting it. I'd really rather not bump in to you while out there.
Thanks in advance.
I do not have a spot that I see 350" bulls in regularly, so was hoping I could consult my online brethren on a place where I could do this.
I am not a very good caller, or much of a shot with my bow, so I'd need a spot where I can count on getting on multiple bulls of this caliber in a weekend (no time off, sorry).
I really dislike seeing other hunters while out, so I'd prefer private land or getting access through private for land locked public. I also don't find much fun in hauling meat, so vehicle animal retrieval factors in.
If you have a spot like this, please PM me directions from Missoula, and a list of dates you plan on hunting it. I'd really rather not bump in to you while out there.
Thanks in advance.