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350" MT Bull


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
I've decided this year I'd like to kill a 350" bull, net of course. Preferable with my bow.

I do not have a spot that I see 350" bulls in regularly, so was hoping I could consult my online brethren on a place where I could do this.

I am not a very good caller, or much of a shot with my bow, so I'd need a spot where I can count on getting on multiple bulls of this caliber in a weekend (no time off, sorry).

I really dislike seeing other hunters while out, so I'd prefer private land or getting access through private for land locked public. I also don't find much fun in hauling meat, so vehicle animal retrieval factors in.

If you have a spot like this, please PM me directions from Missoula, and a list of dates you plan on hunting it. I'd really rather not bump in to you while out there.

Thanks in advance.
Also, no sagebrush. I don't like the way it smells.
Hahahahaha! Mine too! Since I've been on this site, I've never seen so many asking for handouts without wanting to do any of the leg work. Great post, thanks!
That request was a great idea, wish I'd thought of it earlier. I'd also take any leads on anyplace in Colorado such as Randy requested.

Except I'd like to add I want lots of elk as well. I really like a lot of bugling and do not want to spend my time looking for the one 350 bull on the property.
And I am in the market for a new bow. Need the Hoyt Carbon Matrix RKT with all AXT accessories. Have $450-500 budegted PM me with where to send the $$ (Must come with hard case)

Also need it to be an area that is downhill in and downhill out...
I already drew a tag in 704, so it has to be in that unit. Also, can you arrange some Sherpas to carry my gear down the hill for me...
This is quite a post. You want all of us that put in hours and hours of scouting and work our tails off to give you a spot that holds multiple 350 class bulls, is remote from other hunters yet close to the road, the bulls are stupid and respond to any call and give the hunter multiple shots in the case the hunter misses? That defines my hunting spot exactly. Try the big game display at Cabelas. After hours of course so that no one else is there.
When are you going to have time to do this hunt? You already promised me you are going to show me to a 150" whitetail this fall.
When are you going to have time to do this hunt? You already promised me you are going to show me to a 150" whitetail this fall.

Duh, that is why he is doing his homework now, he only has one Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to get this done. He'll have plenty of time to help you.
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