350" MT Bull

You want all of us that put in hours and hours of scouting and work our tails off to give you a spot that holds multiple 350 class bulls, is remote from other hunters yet close to the road, the bulls are stupid and respond to any call and give the hunter multiple shots in the case the hunter misses?

Duh, that is why he is doing his homework now, he only has one Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to get this done. He'll have plenty of time to help you.

Exactly, need to get this out of the way in September so I can concentrate on whiteys.
Try Zoo Montana. If they have a season you might be in luck....Oh shoot...please disreguard.

PM sent.
I've got just the place but its in Idaho, I'll give you a hand sneaking it back across the border.
That request was a great idea, wish I'd thought of it earlier. I'd also take any leads on anyplace in Colorado such as Randy requested.

Except I'd like to add I want lots of elk as well. I really like a lot of bugling and do not want to spend my time looking for the one 350 bull on the property.

RMNP, and you get a reward for returning any collared elk!:hump:
I want one that will hop up in my truck first then I can shoot it while I have it roped in. If you shoot it with a Bowtech, make sure you're close to it cuz when it blows up you might get some pieces flying in the right direction and might get some lungs. Oh...and any unit east of Interstate 25 in Colorado has the big bulls...it's our best kept secret.
I have heard there has been some real impressive antler growth north of Limon. You have to get above timberline to find them though.
Normally I would be interested in the same type of hunt, but this year I am considering my first cow hunt.
I was just about to ask the same question but need my gps coordinates for a wy general unit
I may be willing to take a 345"
Thanks in advance

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