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300 prc

Meh- You've been singing the praises of your 300 RUM for years on here, and I can still find that ammo ;)
I don't buy ammo for that rifle. Haven't in over 20 years. As a matter of fact, I don't buy factory for any of my rifles. So what does any of this have to do with powder availability? mtmuley
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It doesn't, I was simply being sarcastic that just because one of us mention something on HT, that the internet will somehow make that resource disappear.

The OP asked for any loading info for his new rifle. I provided my input that H1000 would be my first choice, but that it is hard to find, so I provided a second option. I apologize if that recommendation someday eats into your supply.
My point was the internet can definitely affect the supply chain of reloading components.
I agree. As do elections, companies transferring ownership, and the rise and fall in popularity of cartridges. Stocking up isn't a bad call- components won't be any cheaper next year. Wish I would have bought a couple 8lb'ers of a select few a decade ago.
I provided my input that H1000 would be my first choice, but that it is hard to find, so I provided a second option. I apologize if that recommendation someday eats into your supply.
If you keep an eye on a few of the online retailers you can usually find H1000 in single pounds, the jugs are a little harder to come by. Just hard to stomach the prices once you figure out the price increase on the powder, hazmat and shipping.
If you keep an eye on a few of the online retailers you can usually find H1000 in single pounds, the jugs are a little harder to come by. Just hard to stomach the prices once you figure out the price increase on the powder, hazmat and shipping.
The couple times I've thought I found it, they were on scam sites that wanted Applepay or Paypal and wouldn't accept credit cards. The prices are absurd- but I expect them to only climb. If I could get one jug, I feel like I'd be set for all my shooting needs for a long time, as 8lb gets me just under 1000rds loaded.
I apologize for starting this thread. I never wanted it to turn into an argument. I just wanted a starting point to begin loading my new rifle that was a present. I will go find it elsewhere
Welcome to the Internet? You asked for advice on the internet and freaked out when someone shared their opinion. Bit of an over-reaction, no?

Sounds like you have a great friend to do this for you. I hope you find what you're after, and maybe an anti-anxiety in the process.

H1000 is basically fairy dust in my parts. If you find some, that would be where I would start. Otherwise the slower burning Vihtavuori powders are pretty readily available.
all I asked for is a starting pointing for a reload. And yeah you are right, maybe I should gone some where else instread of a bunch weekend wannabe hunters
No big deal. I hate social media. All I asked was bit of help on recipe to get a load. could care less about all you incredible hunting tales. this site is basically white liberal a-holes who think they are better than everyone. you all got your government buzz guy. Please mr finn guy cancel me. Erase my everything. thank you

Geez guy, literally ONE dude tells you he likes factory loads and you go nuclear in four posts...it's like telling my 6-year-old why she can't have a snow cone after she just had a cupcake. Don't worry, even if you hate it, social media LOVES people like you :ROFLMAO:
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