I have shot a lot with the SST in 300 grain this year and am very pleased with its accuracy and flat trajectory. I shot all the way through an approximately 10" thick Aspen tree trunk that had fallen over near our deer camp. I never found that bullet. Seems to have plenty of penetration capability. But....... it is a polycarbonate tip bullet. I have this thing with ballistic tip bullets and wonder whether or not this bullet was designed to handle animals as large as an elk.
I know the XTP mags shoot well too. Should I be looking at those instead? Are they tougher than the SST bullets? Anyone out there shoot an elk with an 300 grain SST bullet yet? Please help!
I know the XTP mags shoot well too. Should I be looking at those instead? Are they tougher than the SST bullets? Anyone out there shoot an elk with an 300 grain SST bullet yet? Please help!