30-06 nosler vs hornady

For the intended range and game, if they group well in your rifle (and I haven't ever had a rifle that didn't like them), a plain jane Nosler Partition soft point will do everything you need it to do. I have been shooting hornady SST's out of my 6.5CM. I am not really a fan, so once they are all fired, I am going to be looking for a better ammo choice. The sst's are kind of "explosive" and do not offer the best penetration. This is fine for coyotes and even speedgoat, but for deer or hogs, I want the penetration. If I to pick between the 2 you have listed, the accubond is the way I would go.
Is the shoulder "shield" a reality?

I've killed 3 mature boars in CA and while skinning didn't see anything that resembled a shield. Maybe it's a regional, genetic thing.

California boars might be too liberal to develop such armor.
Oh Yeah , it's real !! Not like a bone shield, but a thick layer of tough grilse.
mine liked hornady little better 165 inter locks i was comparing with partitions in an ocw test
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I've had good luck getting the SSTs to shoot well. The only reason I'd point you towards the Noslers is if you sometimes don't get perfect broadside shots. If they hit a shoulder they can cause some serious damage. I had a post a couple months back on here with more information if you'd like to check it out.
My though is you won't find a better bullet than a 180gr Hornady inter lock! Then again if you like core locks a 180gr is a good as it get's. Then of course Speer makes a 180gr Hot Core that is second to none. The confusion your experiencing come's from excessive advertising by the industry! Sorry, having a bad day!
I'm wondering why Superformance for your applications? They cost lots more, and increase velocity by 100 FPS. Neither of which will help for your purposes. I'd grab 165 gr partition, bonded or interlock standard velocity loads. Good luck!
Way back ( for some guys, ha) in the late 70-s early 80's, I handloaded for a lot of 308 & 30-06 users. The Hornady 150sp ( Interlock) was just awesome on East, Tx deer and hogs! I had a friend who just wanted me to take his Mod 742, scope it/and zero it for a factory load he could find anywhere. I ended up throwing away the see through rings that were on it, and mounted his Weaver 2x7 in Weaver mnts. I started with 150s, but ended with Remington 180 corlokt, round nose. Those suckers shot under an inch ( if I held my mouth right, ha) for 3 shots. Super easy to get the first 2 almost touching! We went to Georgia and he shot a nice young 4 pts at 80yds. made a 2 inch hole all the way through and didn't ruin any meat! So...if you can find any 180 "round nose" factory loads, give them a try too Pard! But mainly...have a ball! :)
Way back ( for some guys, ha) in the late 70-s early 80's, I handloaded for a lot of 308 & 30-06 users. The Hornady 150sp ( Interlock) was just awesome on East, Tx deer and hogs! I had a friend who just wanted me to take his Mod 742, scope it/and zero it for a factory load he could find anywhere. I ended up throwing away the see through rings that were on it, and mounted his Weaver 2x7 in Weaver mnts. I started with 150s, but ended with Remington 180 corlokt, round nose. Those suckers shot under an inch ( if I held my mouth right, ha) for 3 shots. Super easy to get the first 2 almost touching! We went to Georgia and he shot a nice young 4 pts at 80yds. made a 2 inch hole all the way through and didn't ruin any meat! So...if you can find any 180 "round nose" factory loads, give them a try too Pard! But mainly...have a ball! :)

Before I was "educated" on how different grain bullets work, we would just zero with whatever box of ammo we drug out of the basement and hunt with it. We probably used a mix of 150, 165, and 180gr soft point bullets all from different boxes of Winchester white box, Remington green box, and Federal blue box. Every one of them killed deer perfectly well out to 200 yards and the zero didn't really change that much. All of these will work just fine for killing deer or hogs.
HeyThere- I had a favorite uncle who loved to hunt, but never gave more than a passing thought about his ammo, ha. As long as it said "30-06" he knew it would fit in his Mod 742! ha He once showed me a handful of rounds, and they were everything from Match Handlods a friend gave him to 180gr Ptd corlokt, with 150 Federals thrown in, ha. He killed as many deer ans anyone else ( we hunted close woods though) and he would just laugh when I tried to persuade him differently, so...I would just buy him a box of good ammo before each year, ha. He liked that...wish I had him back to hear that laugh now and see that twinkle in his eye, ha.
My Browning XBolt Hunter 22” Barrel absolutely hates the Superformance 165g. Flyers everywhere. Sure as shit I throw in some Federal Blue Box 150g and I’m 2” @ 200.
Sticking with the cheapo’s or trying Federal Premium Berger Hybrids in 168
I have had great luck with 165 Hornady Interlocks out of a 30-06 with whitetail. I have shot a good number of deer and antelope with 130 Accubonds out of a 270 and 264WM. I sure wouldn't hesitate to shoot one out of an 06. I personally would prefer a 165 over a 180 for the OPs specified use.

I would choose either the Accubond or Interlock, amongst several other bullets, over the SST for shots under 200 yards.
My son and I are avid whitetail and hog hunters. After shooting a couple of big hogs this year with cup/core bullets and not getting a pass-through or blood trail, we switched to bonded bullets. His rifle shoots Interbonds really well and mine likes Accubonds. We have shot hogs with each and they are highly effective. Since we have a bunch of these rounds loaded, we will likely use them for whitetail as well.
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