
270win bullet recommendation

Don’t go sst. I’ve killed several elk with them and it doesn’t put them down quick. Interlocks or accubonds are MUCH better. I’ve also killed several with Remington core lokts. Does a great job too.

Shot Placement...
So many good options.
270 doesn't get the love b/c it doesn't have the sexy high BC like the 6.5 and 7's and you don't have to have manbun to shoot one. Nor do you have to setup your rig to shoot a million yards with turrets and giant scopes. It's not a short fatty or a belted magnum or an ultra turbo fireball or the ultimate in modern hunting innovation.

It's just a great American killing machine for folks who drive trucks, bend the bill of their hats, drink beer from a can & coffee from a gas station, enjoy Copenhagen, pee standing up, eat fried foods, don't know how to count macros, or what skinny jeans and hashtags are.

Sam Elliott should do a commercial for the .270 and maybe throw some Bob Seger in the background
It's just a great American killing machine for folks who drive trucks, bend the bill of their hats, drink beer from a can & coffee from a gas station, enjoy Copenhagen, pee standing up, eat fried foods, don't know how to count macros, or what skinny jeans and hashtags are.

I was right there with you until you got to gas station coffee. Maybe that’s where us .280 shooters deviate 🤔

Starbucks and Copenhagen are a heavenly match.
You just watch that the whole time? mtmuley
No. I was hopping around boulders and crevices to get closer. He was only 150yds max. But he fell behind a boulder out of view. I listened to him wheezing/ crying the whole time I walked up to him. Which took all of 10 minutes or more. Couldn’t see him until i was literally standing over him. The shot was perfect. A bit of lung tissue poking out the exit wound, about the size of a dime or less.
I've double lunged an elk or two with a few different bullets. None took 10 minutes to die. Interesting. mtmuley