Swift scirocco

I have some.30 Cal 180 Scirocco pull downs from a .300 Weatherby mag that I inherited. I probably have close to 100. Being in the sunny state of CA I needed copper bullets. When I got the rifle it came with 100+ custom loaded ammo. If anyone is interested in them I'd trade for 165-180 TTSX in .30 Cal or 127gr.264.
I’m thinking of switching to the swift Sirocco from the Nosler accubond. I love the accubond but also shoot 30 cal 180 grains mostly and they have been hard to get. (Like everything else) I have had such great success with accubonds for hunting I hate to change. I might have a more reliable source for scirroco. I haven’t hunted with them and just wanting feedback on the performance in both long range and short range hunting shots. I started reloading Nosler ballistic tips years ago and they actually performed pretty well at a little medium to a little longer range 250-400. Below that they like to explode lol. I was shooting 30-378 though. I only liked the extreme accuracy of the ballistic tip in that gun, not so much the performance. I found the scirocco and felt it would do better being bonded etc but was pretty similar bullet. It proved to be accurate for that rifle as well. I might have shot a few animals but don’t remember as it was so many years ago. Accubonds came out , about the same time I was experimenting, and I never looked back. Let it rip! what are everyone’s thoughts or experiences?
I have shot several elk with Sirroco's in 7mm and 30, the 7mm in 280AI 150 gr, 180 in 30-06 and two cows with a 270 in 140. Never found a bullet all through with excellent internal performance without excess damage. Ranges were 80-375 yards with broadside lung/heart shots, probably would have died with a 7-08 or 6.5.I like the accubond better from an accuracy point of view in the 280ai, sirocco in 30 and accubond the same. BTW I still have boxes of 30-378 and 338-378 factory ammo left by a hunter who was selling the rifle when he got home and had 4 stitch scope cut. the recoil in the 338-378 was impressive in a 9lb rifle!
Swift makes some good bullets, I like both the Scirocco and A-Frame. If you can get them more reliably and your rifle shoots them well, I wouldn't hesitate to use them.
Something I think you'll find is everyone makes good bullet's depending on how they are used. Animals are no more bullet proof today than they were 100 yrs ago and factory and cast bullet's killed them very well back then. Depending, of course, on how they were used!
Here is a sectioned .308 165 Accubond left and. 308 165 Scirocco right. The Swift has a considerably thicker jacket and a slightly smaller cavity. For what it is worth. I have never recovered a Scirocco and have never shot an animal with an Accubond.View attachment 271670

Wow. That picture explains their reputation for being stout bullets quite well. That is a very thick jacket.
Something I think you'll find is everyone makes good bullet's depending on how they are used. Animals are no more bullet proof today than they were 100 yrs ago and factory and cast bullet's killed them very well back then. Depending, of course, on how they were used!
I can appreciate your comment but disagree. Not everyone makes good Bullets. Some are definitely better than others.I kill deer and elk with broadheads and cast muzzleloader Bullets here in Idaho. Sabots aren’t even legal for muzzleloader here. I will use inferior Bullets and weapons if that is the legal requirement and I will use them correctly. (Like limiting my effective range) Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Especially during modern weapon seasons when you can use the most effective weapon and ammo possible.
I can appreciate your comment but disagree. Not everyone makes good Bullets. Some are definitely better than others.I kill deer and elk with broadheads and cast muzzleloader Bullets here in Idaho. Sabots aren’t even legal for muzzleloader here. I will use inferior Bullets and weapons if that is the legal requirement and I will use them correctly. (Like limiting my effective range) Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Especially during modern weapon seasons when you can use the most effective weapon and ammo possible.
Use inferor weapons but using them correctly makes a huge difference.

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