270 WSM or 300 WSM

It's no secret I'm a huge fan of the 7mm. If it ain't a grizzlie b'ar, or bigger, I'm agonna be lobing a .284 . It's just simple ballastics.
Dan, there "WHO" goes with the "too big for deer" argument. Nobodys argued that side in this thred yet that I've seen ?

From first/original post question:

but the 180 grain is a Tad big for deer ?

Go with the .300 if he has shot your .300 Win Mag.and did well with it. He'll grow into it and it'll be more versatile.
If you shoot only factory loads the BOSS will shrink group size considerably when properly tuned. I don't find the noise objectionable when you're directly behind the gun...I too would go with the 7.
300 wsm. wouldnt go with the browning p.o.s. though........unless he's your least favorite son then by all means go with the browning.

I am a bit biased as this is the cartridge that I hand load and have used in North America and South Africa for animals from WT deer to Zebra. It has performed flawlessly on all as long as I do my part. I load 180gr. Accubonds only. These chrony at approx. 3000fps with IMR4831. This rifle, a Rem. 700 SPS, is well worth looking at. Good luck! MTG
I have an A Bolt 300 Mag with the Boss, really like the rifle, shoots very well, balance is fine, nice trigger, never any feed issues, but I've got to tell you, with out hearing protection the damn thing with put a serious hurting on your hearing. The recoil reduction is quite good, but I would prefer to be able to hear after the shot. And if you shoot a ported gun, better tell any bystanders to plug their ears because the percussion from the side is quite a bit more.
The 7 was the last of the WSMs to be made (VS the 300 and 270) and they did make the case capacity larger than the other 2 because they wanted it to perform better in the end instead of it being the same old thing. The 270 and 300 use the same case family and you can neck up or down either if you wanted to (if you not worried about the stamped size) but the 7 is longer and holds more powder and cannot be interchanged. The 7WSM has become one of my favorites. Mine shoots 120-140-160 all well and I get 3500fps out of a 120gr and 3400 out of a 140gr. Granted it is a 28" barrel so these speeds are a little higher than you would get out of a 24-26"
the 7wsm

they wanted it to perform better in the end instead of it being the same old thing.

the 7wsm case is the same legnth as the 270 & 300 wsm but with the shoulder moved forward resulting in a shorter case neck.....two reasons for this, and IMHO both seem to be marketing. the first is to at least better the 280 remington in velocity and 2ndly try to compete with the 7mm remington magnums velocity.... in which it falls short. if you are taking advantage of building a light weight, short action rifle.... not a whole lot of smartz in building a short action rifle and then adding 2-4 inches on the end of the barrel to try and nudge up to the remington. the 270 is the only one that even comes close to bettering anything in its class. :)
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If you shoot a 150 grn bullet in both guns the recoil is the same. The 270 wsm, being a more skinny bullet, looses less velocity at further ranges. Both guns are great choices. I've always liked how 30 cal bullets kill and if you have a 30-06 and do your own handloads I'd recommend the 300 wsm as you can use the same bullets. You may even want to consider the 7mm wsm. It is turning a lot of heads on the ultra long range shooting crowd...mainly target shooters who like targets greater than 800 yards away.

the 7wsm case is the same length as the 270 & 300 wsm but with the shoulder moved forward resulting in a shorter case neck.....)
and moving the shoulder forward makes it have more case capacity. I guess i should have worded differently, my bad.
Either way, some argue that cases that hold the same capacity can have different ballistics just the way that the powder is stacked fat and short VS long and narrow. Not sure if it makes a whole lot of diff though but for whatever reason, a lot of the long range comp guys are liking the WSM over the standard magnums. Some say the recoil is different, some say they make use of powders differently the way the case is shaped for an advantage. All things that would need to be tested for truth, but all i can say is I love mine.
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I've had a 7 WSM for about 6 years and it has become the only gun that I take out of the safe anymore at hunting time. I have taken three elk with the 160 grain loads and a couple deer with the 140 grain loads. I bought it and three weeks later one of my hunting buddies bought the 300 WSM after we shot them together for a while he bought the 270 WSM he has never admitted it outright but he always eludes to the fact that he likes the 7 WSM better he just cant bring himself to say that I have the better gun. Buying factory ammo has become a little tougher though. It seems like you can pick up a box of 300 WSM at about any Walmart but the 7 WSM factory stuff is harder to find. If you hand load it's not that much of an issue.
300 and 270 WSM ammo is easier to find and has more options, in the order I listed, than the 7mm version. FWIW.

If I were picking between those two, for a kid, I'd go with the 270WSM. I'd also go without a brake, his and your hearing will thank you later.
So......270 WSM or 300 WSM ?

Looking for the OVERALL gun..... For elk too. I'm guessign the 130 Grain is a TAD on the small size for elk but the 180 grain is a Tad big for deer ? QUOTE]

The deer won't care - never saw 180 gr. too big for anthing.
I have a 300 win mag that has always performed well, so I would go with the 300 wsm. I zero it at 250 yards with 180 grain Federal Premium Trophy Bonded Tipped. It shoots about 3" high at the top of its trajectory near 150 yards, good enough for deer or elk.
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