257 Weatherby


Active member
Sep 1, 2010
I bought an old German Mfg. 257 Weatherby last yr and am having trouble developing a load. Although this gun was mfg in 1965 it was in new and probably unfired condition so the barrel is not shot out. However, it has a 1-12 twist and not a 1-10 like those mfg. later. As a result, it will not stabilize long bullets

I have tried 120 & 110 Noslers, 100 gr sierras and hornadys and RL19,RL 22 and 4831 an still have not found a good combo. I am now going to try loading some 100 Noslers as well as 90,87,and 85 gr bullets and also try using 7828 and 4350 powders,

If any of you have some good loads to share I would be happy to hear about them.

I will be hunting antelope and deer with this gun if I can get it shooting well. I know the light bullets will work on antelope but how about on a large mule deer? Have any of you killed mule deer with 85-90 gr bullets?
I shoot 100gr. noslers in mine with 50gr. of 4350 and it shoots really well. Just to let you know, that mine is an ackley improved tho. The 100gr. Noslers have killed mule deer, whitetails, antelope and even an elk. Good luck finding a load
I would think bullets at 100 grs. should shoot ok with the right load. In a situation like yours, I've found that non-boattail bullets will sometimes improve accurracy.
As fast as a 257 weatherby shoots if i was going to shoot lighter bullets i would try a barnes bullet because a light bullet may come apart at closer ranges .Ihave had great luck in my sons 257 weatherby with 100 grain barnes but his gun is a newer gun.
Mine likes:

115 gr TSX 67.5 gr IMR-7828 or 68.5 gr RL-22
110 gr Accubond 69.5 gr IMR-7828
100 gr Partition 72.5 gr IMR-7828
100 gr TSX 68.5 gr IMR-4831

The TSXs I load to 3.160 OAL.
With the slower twist, I'd probably stick with the 100 gr Partition as it is shorter than the all-copper or gilding metal bullets and should still stand up to the velocity.
That 12 twist can be a challenge, I'd find some 80 Barnes TTSX's and rock on, thinking if they don't perk then it's time for a new tube.

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