257 weatherby factory ammo


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Eastern Montana
I’m looking at getting some factory ammo for this gun. I’ve been shooting 100 grain Barnes ttsx the last 4 years with great results. These are reloads. My last batch hasn’t been as accurate. Weather it’s my own mistakes loading or a new batch of powder, I don’t know. Anyways, without the time I used to have to reload and finding some sales on premium ammo, I’m looking at Barnes 100 grain and 110 accubonds. I love the Barnes in this gun, but accubonds have a higher BC. I use this for deer and lope, and my wife will use it for cow elk this year. Also wondering how 110 accubonds will hold up at the 3400 FPS advertised speed on an elk. Thoughts?
I shot my biggest bull with my 257 Weatherby and 115 Barnes. I now use the 110 accubonds and would use it for elk without any hesitation. It is brutal on deer and lope @ 3400 with the 110 Accubonds.
Pick up a box of each and shoot some groups. Whichever you’re confident in after that buy a couple of boxes to practice and hunt with. Both of those bullets will do the job at 257wby speeds.
I've killed 6 elk with my 257WBY loaded with 110 accubonds. All have been great performance, I beleive that the total steps of any of the elk after the shot is 1.5 on six head. If I remember right of the recovered bullets I have gotten roughly 60 retention on the Accubonds. I think my loads are right at 3425.
I cleaned the rifle good and went out shooting both bullets tonight. The ttsx were a 3 shot, 5/8” group at 100, and the accubonds were a 4 shot 3/4” group. I shot an extra one with the accubonds because it started raining and my scope was getting smeared. Now it’s a tough choice because I’ve shot both bullets through multiple calibers and both are great. Good problem to have I guess. Thanks for the help guys.
Man... I really want a 257 Wby. This post doesn’t help 😁
It’s an addictive caliber. Bought my first one at a going out of business sale. It’s now my go to cause a buddy once told me it wasn’t capable of killing elk efficiently. I shoot it now to show that buddy just how good it as at killing elk.
I’m going on a once in many lifetimes sheep hunt in a few weeks and am torn between the 110 grain accubonds or the 120 grain partitions. Both factory loads and both group about the same at 200 yards. Or do I just pull out the 300 Weatherby Mag?
I’m going on a once in many lifetimes sheep hunt in a few weeks and am torn between the 110 grain accubonds or the 120 grain partitions. Both factory loads and both group about the same at 200 yards. Or do I just pull out the 300 Weatherby Mag?
No sheep in the world can shake off either one of those loads placed in the right spot. I wouldn’t over-think it. Take that .257 and post some pics when you get back!!!!
I’m going on a once in many lifetimes sheep hunt in a few weeks and am torn between the 110 grain accubonds or the 120 grain partitions. Both factory loads and both group about the same at 200 yards. Or do I just pull out the 300 Weatherby Mag?
257 with the 110s.
Have you checked your barrel for copper fouling ? I shoot barnes in my 257 and when accuracy fell off a bit a good copper scrubbing did the trick.

This is VERY TRUE! If your accuracy is falling off and all you have done is shoot Barnes (Like I do in all 4 of my Weatherby's) you most likely have a Copper build up or fouling issue. There are several ways to deal with this (after a quick search on the internet). I use the Barnes CL-2 as the Instructions say!! This is high Ammonia content stuff! Recommend to do this OUTDOORS! (Smelly! Smelly!). Once you clean out the copper fouling, your accuracy will return. THEN keep up with it so your accuracy does not diminish again!!
I ended up cleaning my barrel good with copper solvent. I bought a few boxes of 110 factory accubonds too. They shot well and my wife and I each took an antelope with good results, hers at 200 yds and mine a bit over 300. Before that I shot handloaded Barnes 100 gr ttsx and they were hot. My wife shot her sheep with those and we shot some big bodied muleys with them too. They thumped them. I definitely wouldn’t be afraid of using that gun with either round for sheep.
I agree! They are both good performing bullets and do what they are designed to do. I'm just more partial to Barnes bullets in my Weatherby's (.257, .300, .340, 338-378). I have NEVER had anything take a step nor a breath after getting hit by them. I took an elk in Wyoming at 1385 yards with my Weatherby 338-378. What I call DRT "Dead Right There". expanded and went out the other side. Awesome Bullets. I have used the Accubonds in my Weatherby 340. That bullet has a bit nicer BC. and is flat sailing for sure. It's like they say... "Dead is Dead!" and those bullets WILL get the job done both Ethically and Quickly! Glad ya gotter figured out!!
I shot this from 390 yards (lazered) with one shot from my Weatherby Accumark using factory Weatherby ammo w/ 110 Grain Nosler Accubonds. DRT! (Sorry for those who've seen this posted before.)

I have the utmost confidence in this gun, and ammo. (More than I have in my own shooting ability. LOL.)

2017 Alberta Deer-3.jpg
I've been mulling thinning the herd down to the .25 Roy for everything and keeping a 7 Mash & 300 RUM for backup. ;)
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