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24 WY Pronghorn


Active member
Mar 16, 2005
Casper, Wyoming
A long back story no one wants to hear, but blessed to be back in Wyoming and grateful for what we have while we have it. Our move back has allowed me time with my daughters future fiance who did not get to experience much with his father growing up. He is keen on hunting and shooting and just needs someone to show an interest and get him out. We got out today for the second day in a week and got to put some time behind glass and a little ground under the boots. He quickly learned that 25 pairs of really good eyes in the wide open prairie can make getting into reasonable shooting distance challenging.

We found a buck shortly before noon that we felt was worth going after based on what we had been seeing and closed the distance to about 350 yds on the third stock. One well placed shot from the 6.5-300 Weatherby and we were reflecting on the day and talking through caring for the animal. He was ecstatic to have someone take him along on a hunt and I am grateful that my daughter has such a wonderful young man in her life whose, moral compass is pointed the right direction and who appreciates and respects our accessible lands, land owners and wildlife. Take nothing for granted and be thankful for every moment you get. Best of luck hunting this season.IMG_1448[1].jpg