23 wyoming results

First trip out to Wyoming this November...drew a deer tag but struck out on the antelope...going to be in region A for deer...is there any good fall fishing in case I fill my tag early?
Got everything I expected 1 any antelope tag, 2 antelope doe fawn tags in that unit and a type 3 elk tag. Unsuccessful for LE deer but that was a reach since I can just buy my general deer tag this summer.
Looks like my username may become accurate, I drew an antelope (doe) tag! This will actually be my first time hunting antelope. So far Ive just hunted small game, and also a pig in CA.

Might go for DIY, but if anyone has any recommendations for guides/outfitters for the Sheridan, WY area please let me know.

Apparently the unit I got, 15, has a lot of private land, though there is some public and a couple "Walk-in Areas" of private land that I can use my hunting license to access.

The WY Game and Fish website stated the public areas are crowded with "high hunter density" in this unit during the first week of the season.

Since I've never hunted antelope before, does anyone know if it would be better to join the crowds at the start of the season, or wait till after the first week or two when things hopefully calm down?
Became a victim of the numbskulls that plastered "how'd the Antelope do around Gillette" all over the 'net.
Where did you apply. I live in Gillette and I applied for a unit with decent access for NE Wyoming and residents that made it their first choice had around 80 or 85 percent draw odds. Also I didn't see any of the people asking how antelope did around gillette but I've been known to be oblivious.
Results hit about 4am local. No lope(surprised) no deer(just GEN) but i drew my bull and cow elk tags! Looking forward to another season in a amazing unit! My wife also drew so likely will be hosting a DAV on same tag, some well deserving vet is about to shot the biggest bull hes ever seen! I am happy to break streak of UNSUCCESSFUL i have been on. What did you guys get?
You’re a good man for having DAVs experience that!! I had a great experience with you!!
I drew an antelope tag! Had 7 points so was confident that I would draw but always nice to see Successful result. Wasn't sure about applying with the bad winter but the area I applied actually had an increase in tag numbers.

With my son drawing a elk tag we now have the prefect WY combo in my view, antelope and elk hunting late sept - early Oct. Can't wait.
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Looks like my username may become accurate, I drew an antelope (doe) tag! This will actually be my first time hunting antelope. So far Ive just hunted small game, and also a pig in CA.

Might go for DIY, but if anyone has any recommendations for guides/outfitters for the Sheridan, WY area please let me know.

Apparently the unit I got, 15, has a lot of private land, though there is some public and a couple "Walk-in Areas" of private land that I can use my hunting license to access.

The WY Game and Fish website stated the public areas are crowded with "high hunter density" in this unit during the first week of the season.

Since I've never hunted antelope before, does anyone know if it would be better to join the crowds at the start of the season, or wait till after the first week or two when things hopefully calm down?
High hunter density = low hunter wisdom in the Sheridan area. The 'are you serious?' moments are many. Folks I encountered out after antelope while I was looking for deer seemed to have more success at the end of the season.
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