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23 wyoming results

Nine of us residents did not draw elk or deer choices. (not party applicants either)

Only two of the nine drew antelope (a poor antelope area, but we have private in that area to hunt).
Looks like my username may become accurate, I drew an antelope (doe) tag! This will actually be my first time hunting antelope. So far Ive just hunted small game, and also a pig in CA.

Might go for DIY, but if anyone has any recommendations for guides/outfitters for the Sheridan, WY area please let me know.

Apparently the unit I got, 15, has a lot of private land, though there is some public and a couple "Walk-in Areas" of private land that I can use my hunting license to access.

The WY Game and Fish website stated the public areas are crowded with "high hunter density" in this unit during the first week of the season.

Since I've never hunted antelope before, does anyone know if it would be better to join the crowds at the start of the season, or wait till after the first week or two when things hopefully calm down?

I have hunted that unit back in 2014 for does. If I were you I would definitely go after the buck season is over. There will be a lot less hunters then. I wouldn't pay for an outfitter for a doe hunt. Unless you are going while buck season is open. If so I would stay home before trying to hunt public land.
Nothing in WY this year except cow elk tags for me and my son. Still no pronghorn. Oh well, knew it was a long shot. We are excited to get after some cow elk though and hopefully we will eat well after.
Drew my backups, no first choices. 3 antelope tags, 2 elk tags, and 2 deer tags. 2 antelope and 1 elk tag for the wife.
High hunter density = low hunter wisdom in the Sheridan area. The 'are you serious?' moments are many. Folks I encountered out after antelope while I was looking for deer seemed to have more success at the end of the season.
I lived in Sheridan for a couple years. I always thought you were better off with a bullet proof vest rather than hunter orange in that area.
Glad I don’t depend on drawing something in any of these random pools in any of the 8 states I apply in. Because I never get one. Each year I pick one state where I know my preference based points will get me one premium quality hunt. And from there sprinkle around it all the random based systems like WY deer/lope where I’ve burned my high point totals. This year even drew an opportunity NM hunt with high draw odds that overlapped my elk hunt. As expected I went 0 fer 30 in the random longshots. But I still got a good season lined up.
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The antelope unit that I like to hunt came down in the special and I would have drawn but did not apply. I think prices go way up next year for non-res. oh well

Curious to see the reports on how the lope and deer season goes this year.
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