PEAX Equipment

‘23 Montana B tag draw

This is always my most anticipated drawing, year in year out. I am opening the '68 Lafite today should I win my most coveted tag of the year, my whitetail doe B tag. The celebration will last into the wee hours.
I ended up opening the bottle pre-emptively, forgetting about the draw but still having a good night. I have just remember and checked, finding myself the glorious winner of the whitetail doe B drawing. Its going to be another late night, folks! Only this time itll be Coors Banquet since I blew most of spending money on the Lafite I chugged last night.

2nd choice elk B. Drew the same one last year and never got within 100 miles of the unit. It was for use after I shot a bull elsewhere.
It will be somewhat interesting to see if b tag app numbers are down specifically for deer with r4, 6 and 7 going private only for mule b tags. Elk b tag apps in such places like 410 could be down to due to that area going LE for deer . Will be interesting to see

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