Caribou Gear Tarp

‘23 Iowa whitetail

There are no rules. Some guys will hold out for a bigger buck, some guys will shoot anything that comes by. One thing about doing drives like we do is the deer are very rarely running, but they are usually aware of people and you don’t have very long to study them to see if it’s a “shooter”. The width of the rack compared to the ears is a good judge. If the rack is as wide or wider than the ears it’s probably a shooter. Of the deer hanging drivers accounted for at least 4 of the bucks. Being a stander is no guarantee that you will be the shooter. If you’ve ever heard Doug Duren talk about and describe “Mooching” that slow deliberate speed is how driving is. It should take an hour or more to cover a mile.
Appreciate the info.
Every year I learn a bit more.
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Nothing wrong with that from 6th grade on I never attended a single Friday before Thanksgiving. Didn't take long for the office to develop a pattern.
I started skipping a day of school when I was 12 to go deer hunting. 12 is the legal age to get your own big game license in Iowa if you have hunters safety. I am sure he will want to start doing the youth season in a couple years but he’s starting with squirrels and rabbits.
This thread brings back good memories every year. When I was knee high to grasshopper this is how we hunted in PA. Between land disappearing and people moving away or passing i among other things those days are long gone. When I was 12 we had 17 different deer drives to put on now we have 4 if we even do a drive. Kinda tough with 4 people instead of 15.

Thanks for sharing.
This thread brings back good memories every year. When I was knee high to grasshopper this is how we hunted in PA. Between land disappearing and people moving away or passing i among other things those days are long gone. When I was 12 we had 17 different deer drives to put on now we have 4 if we even do a drive. Kinda tough with 4 people instead of 15.

Thanks for sharing.
Ditto. Sure was a lot of fun.
This thread brings back good memories every year. When I was knee high to grasshopper this is how we hunted in PA. Between land disappearing and people moving away or passing i among other things those days are long gone. When I was 12 we had 17 different deer drives to put on now we have 4 if we even do a drive. Kinda tough with 4 people instead of 15.

Thanks for sharing.
We have lost some properties and are in jeopardy of losing a few more in the near future. We had a record number of people this year, 27 I think on Saturday. Our group is aging, but there is a good group of 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds. The neighboring group has really been hit bad from losing access and hunter attrition. They used to have 30+ people in their group and are down to less than 12.
Fun thread.
I've accumulated enough points and will be firearms hunting IA next season.
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