Caribou Gear Tarp

‘23 Iowa whitetail

Iowa public land deer drives? Bring your kevlar and body armor.
I’m not trying to start a fight. I can’t sleep and I’ve been wondering this for a while; before this thread. I’m reading through the hunting incident reports from 2023 and the reports don’t say if they happened on public or private property. But by knowing the counties and reading the details you can kind of make a guess if it happened on public or private. Of the 9 reported incidents last year:
1 was coyote hunting
1 was waterfowl hunting
1 was rabbit hunting
1 was dove hunting
1 was deer hunting but shooting at coyotes
4 were deer hunting

2 of the incidents while deer hunting were property damage. One was 114 yards and one was 300 yards away from shooter

1 deer hunting incident was self inflicted
2 deer hunting incidents were same party
1 deer hunting incident was not self inflicted but at a distance of 24 inches

Only 1 incident appears to be during a deer drive, but it doesn’t say for sure. It appears they were shooting at a coyote and the cause was “shooting in the direction of other hunters. Target fixation”
4 bucks and 3 does on the last drive. I shot a doe!

Drive number 1 this morning I was standing on a ridge waiting for the rest of the drive to come together. I had another driver 150 yards on both sides of me. I can hear leaves rustling and 2 does bust out over the ridge. I can still here rustling in the leaves and all of a sudden 50 yards from me, broadside, a 12 pointer with a split g3 but I can’t shoot because he’s in direct line with the other driver.

Last drive of the day. I crest a ridge. Just before the top I take my gun off the sling thinking there’s always deer at this hill. Slow motion, 35 yards in front of me, a shooter gets up, good safe shot I come up on him and my scope is so fogged up I can’t see anything. I get that cleaned off and walk forward 100 yards and a 4 does are in front of me about 70 yards. I put the crosshairs on the lead doe and drop her. She cartwheels 100 feet downhill and is done.
This would be way more interesting with video :)
I’m lacking in the photo department. I tried to take one this afternoon as I climbed to the the top of the ridge in the last drive. It’s a knife ridge about 10 yards wide but covered in deer beds. Perfect spot; if a predator approaches the deer drops out of sight the other way.
Great thread ! Is this a rifle or ML hunt ?
Iowa was shotgun only for deer. Straight walled cartridge rifles are allowed now. A few people have the rifles and a few still use shotguns. I use an old 870 with a slug barrel and 2.5-7 power scope.

Late muzzleloader will start on Dec 17 and run through January 10.
Well....tell me you've got better news than me.
I was just falling asleep last night and I hear “Dad, I’m going to throw up.” My 4 year old is eye with me so he runs into the bathroom and decides he’s not going to throw up. After he crawls in bed he says it again. I hurl him out from the middle of the bed and onto the floor so he can run to the bathroom and he loses round 1 on the floor. Round 2 and 3 he made it to the toilet. Afte that he slept all night. I have a feeling eating junk food and playing with grandma all day maybe could have been part of the problem.
I was just falling asleep last night and I hear “Dad, I’m going to throw up.” My 4 year old is eye with me so he runs into the bathroom and decides he’s not going to throw up. After he crawls in bed he says it again. I hurl him out from the middle of the bed and onto the floor so he can run to the bathroom and he loses round 1 on the floor. Round 2 and 3 he made it to the toilet. Afte that he slept all night. I have a feeling eating junk food and playing with grandma all day maybe could have been part of the problem.
Dang, hopefully its just a junk food od. Looking forward to pictures of the bucks.