$22 million? looks like its not over,,,,,,,,,,

What the hell do you use to kill wild raspberries anyways? A few weeks ago I totally soaked that patch in my yard with 2-4D and it is still growing faster than a nipple in a snowstorm. Hopefully that Alabama mildew stuff gets over here quickly and takes care of it for me.
I suppose given that circumstance, I would be a little upset, but mostly at Greenhorn for talking me into starting a gay raspberry ranch.
I do like the prostitute comparison a little better though.
WW I used to be in the garden center business and Greenlight made a product called Brush Killer that should work.I just used some around here to kill some mesquite and it worked.Another product caslled Remedy should work too. A little 245T[agent orange] would work, but hard to get. Bob

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-27-2002 14:52: Message edited by: BbarC ]</font>
Why kill them? Put a fence around them and they won't stick you, it doesn't have to be very high either. You could control them that way, and still eat the rasberries.

If you insist, you could dig them up and ship them here. I'll plant in the back with my grapes and split the profits with you. I like rasberries and these sound like good ones.

Good story Bob! :cool:
Tom, you know he can't ship you those wild raspberry plants into Texas. There's a restriction until there's a control on that mw mildew. No out of state wild raspberry plants can come into the state. Bob
Tom I realize you don't see it my way. I was joking...it's just that your argument for elk ranching just happens to also be the perfect argument AGAINST elk ranching (at least the way you put it.) I don't happen to agree with that philosophy that hunters need to stick together no matter what. You know, the argument that the anti's are trying to split us up and end hunting a piece at a time (which I actually believe is true.) But hunters shouldn't support something that affects publicly owned wildlife in a negative way, and also gives anti-hunters more arguments to use against hunting in general. If I was in a debate with an anti-hunter, I sure would not want them to bring up the issue of elk ranching and/or canned elk hunts.
BOB.. thats the best/funniest/good point/awsomest post I've seen in A LONG AS time !!!! I really got a kick out of it.....

I do have a question though.. My rasberries are groing like CRAZY.. and so are my strawberries.. we picked a freezer shelf of strawberries the last couple of days.... ANYWAYS... my dam rasberry bushes grow under the ground and pop up in other places.... I HATE THAT !!

BUT,this is about Elk and Ranching or something so I might have gotten off the topic.. Or was it about 280's sister .. HAHA !!! OHHH my side hurts guys....

By the way, Corn gets Smut on it too.. We didn't grow corn this year becasue Our corn last year was covered in it... So I see why people got mad at Kickstand (W.W.) and Greeny for their rassberry plants ;)
WW Just go get one of those auctioned off elk and they'll attack em with a vengange.
Seriously though, just go get one of those little pigme goats and they will mow em down way cheaper than all that other fancified over rated non working rasberry killing shiat you could buy. ;)

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-27-2002 23:39: Message edited by: raybow 1 ]</font>
Wash., PETA doesn't need any more reasons to be against killing animals or hunting them, they are against every one of them and we agree they would be successful taking them out one at a time since its to hard to take them all out at once.

The key point of my argument is that its ok to kill an animal with a gun.

It could be in a cage, trapped, we kill it quick and butcher it up and start eating it. Would you require a farmer to spend the money to take his cow to town and put it through a butcher shop or would you let them butcher it up themselves at the farm?You apparantly think, like PETA, that that is not ok, am I right? My point is that they're winning, if that's what you think.

I think you said that your main objection was to people owning the elk, but given that some people do legally own elk, would you object to them shooting one and butchering it themselves?
Tom you're right they don't need any more reasons so let's not let them have the canned hunting/elk ranching argument, because it's actually a good one, and they can go to schools and tell the little kids about it and convert them all into PETA members.

Of course it's ok to kill an animal with a gun. I do it all the time. But that isn't the issue here.

You don't honestly believe that I don't think a guy should be allowed to butcher a cow at his farm? I butcher deer and elk at my home, and recently I just helped a friend butcher 3 pigs at his farm.

You are right that I don't believe in people owning the elk. No I wouldn't object to people who do legally own elk shooting one and butchering it. And they can go ahead and shoot them all until they have no more. What I am against is selling elk as trophies to lazy people who just want to bring an elk head home so they can brag to all their family and friends about what a great hunter they are. And I'm against spreading CWD to all our wild elk. A healthy population of wild elk that all can enjoy is worth way more than a herd of privately owned domestic elk just so one guy can get rich. And we can't have both. It's one or the other, wild elk or domestic elk inside fences. I think the majority of Americans would choose the wild elk.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-28-2002 09:23: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
I don't think anybody can stop someone from bragging about something and I don't think their buddies would think much of the bragging that you are concerned about. That's a non-issue for me, a nice elk is a nice elk, a good hunt is a good hunt, and they don't necessarily go together no matter where they are bragging about it.

We agree, its ok to shoot and butcher on your own owned animals, and animals legally hunted that when tagged we own.

I've got no reason to think, we can't have both private and public elk. We've had both down here for a long time.

How did you decide that we can't have both or are you just thinking that's probably true or what? Is it the CWD?
Man, this thread just won't die! I don't think any of you are going to convince any of the others to change their mind.

Why is it game farm elk are suddenly and solely responsible for CWD, though? Eliminating game farms will eliminate CWD? That's news to me. I understand and can agree with not shipping elk around without quarantine. (I understand there is no test for CWD without killing the animal, but it is Chronic WASTING Disease, and symptons DO show up.)

My opinion is that CWD made a convenient excuse for people who were against game farms (hunters OR PETA) to make their move.
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