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‘22 Iowa whitetail

My God man I've done some deer drives but that's on a whole other level. Biggest I've ever been a part of was 10 people max.
What an army...how do you decide who shoots?
Foreign tactic to me.🤣Everyone knows their role
Tradition, communication. In all honesty it wouldn’t work without 100% buy in from the entire group. Hunters have to hunt believing that if the group kills a big buck it’s a success. It would not have happened if everyone did not do their part. Every year we have people who ask to join our group or members who want to bring friends in. It’s usually all ok BUT you have to work for the team. In a drive it’s not about me or you, everyone has a good shot at killing a buck but it wouldn’t happen if you weren’t working together.
Tradition, communication. In all honesty it wouldn’t work without 100% buy in from the entire group. Hunters have to hunt believing that if the group kills a big buck it’s a success. It would not have happened if everyone did not do their part. Every year we have people who ask to join our group or members who want to bring friends in. It’s usually all ok BUT you have to work for the team. In a drive it’s not about me or you, everyone has a good shot at killing a buck but it wouldn’t happen if you weren’t working together.

I'm just trying to understand.
On a given drive,you have drivers and shooters? But the shooters are stationed in safe shooting zones from the drivers.
I'm just trying to understand.
On a given drive,you have drivers and shooters? But the shooters are stationed in safe shooting zones from the drivers.
Today we had 22 hunters. We did 3 drives and the drivers walked about 1.5 miles per drive. Each drive requires a different set up but typically 1/2 are pushers and 1/2 are standers. Just because you are a stander does not mean you are a shooter. If you are driving properly you will have just as good, if not better chance, at killing a deer. The 2 biggest bucks today were killed by drivers. We set our drives up so everyone is shooting into a backdrop. There is always a ridge between the driver and the standers.
Today we had 22 hunters. We did 3 drives and the drivers walked about 1.5 miles per drive. Each drive requires a different set up but typically 1/2 are pushers and 1/2 are standers. Just because you are a stander does not mean you are a shooter. If you are driving properly you will have just as good, if not better chance, at killing a deer. The 2 biggest bucks today were killed by drivers. We set our drives up so everyone is shooting into a backdrop. There is always a ridge between the driver and the standers.
Hard to understand the full spectrum of distance and space, but very interesting.
Thank you for the explanation.
Great bucks so far!

It's been a long time since we've done drives (largely due to no longer having access to as many areas to hunt). I remember it being a lot of fun knowing you were likely going to be seeing deer in a short amount of time.
Great bucks so far!

It's been a long time since we've done drives (largely due to no longer having access to as many areas to hunt). I remember it being a lot of fun knowing you were likely going to be seeing deer in a short amount of time.
That will be a problem for us in the future. Also our group is getting older and the younger hunter can’t seem to learn the land and the way the pushes work. We have a couple young hunters who have shot nice deer yesterday that will need to be learning a push today!
Hey, you recognize that early on! I think you’ll do well to train the youngsters to carry on the tradition properly. These drives taking place in the last week or two with you will likely leave many of the new hunters with the skill and understanding to lead to the same level of success in another 20 years. Very cool to watch!! Lots of good deer!

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