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5 does, 1 buck. I decided to move slowly straight ahead from my position in that previous picture. About 100 yards ahead I saw a doe, then 2 then 3 about 75 yards ahead. They were the same 3 does that are always first into the field. The bucks follow them by 75 yards or so. I got up behind to be ready when the boys showed up. The does crossed the ravine and worked up the edge of the field, never going out into the open. I get that sense like there is something watching me from behind so I turn around and sure enough there is a doe walking right down my trail 30 yards away. We make eye contact and I assure her she is safe. She seems content and turns off my path and keeps feeding. I turn to the other deer and a 2 more deer have appeared. I’m not sure where they come from. The binoculars confirm one is a doe and one is a buck. The smaller one I’ve seen a few times already. I wait hoping another one will show up but they never do. The walk out was miserable, into the wind and through drifts. When I got home I told my wife I needed help getting a deer. She got completely dressed in her gear before I told her I was joking and didn’t kill one. I’ll need to sleep with one eye open tonight. When I got back to the house it was -2. I did what every logical person would do, started the traeger to grill elk burgers and brats.